Auction customer/buyer
To open the Customer (CUS) application, find Auction in the RamBase menu and then Customer & Supplier management. Click Customers to enter the CUS application.
Folder descriptions
Main Data
The Main Data folder displays all the relevant info regarding the customer, including preferences, contact information, bidding identification number and payment terms.
Auction box
In the left corner you can see a box with several checkboxes divided into categories. This is used to set the customers preferences in the categories of goods offered.
Every bidder needs a specific identification number to be able to bid on auctions. This option is found in the F12 action menu and displays two options. The Customer folder is for setting the bidderno to a customer, and the Auction tab sets the bidderno just for this auction. For online auctions, the customer account is used as the identifier.
A representative for the customer can be chosen.
The Fee Percentage is a field in the Terms-box that dictates the fee percentage the customer needs to pay the auction house.
This is an overview that enables you to see all the bids from this customer.