Hand held terminal/device (HHT) - Honeywell
Specifications and recommendations
Honeywell Dolphin CT45 is the supported and tested unit for use with RamBase.
BarCom is the recommended supplier. Units ordered from BarCom will have the necessary licenses from Honeywell installed, and the delivered units will be ready for use.
Inform the supplier that the unit will be used with RamBase.
Order License for Honeywell SDK.
Use of a product specific pen will improve touch when inputting data.
Make sure the unit is connected to WI-FI.
Login to RamBase in Google Chrome.
Use your Username (PID) + password or create a new user for the unit for your company. In example for the warehouse operators.
Tip: Bookmark all relevant RamBase applications from the computer login.
Applications can also be opened directly from the RamBase program field.
If you receive the message “Failed to create BarcodeReader, Web service not responding", go to settings – web applications – enable web interface settings.
Barcode scanner
A barcode scanner can be used in RamBase for the applications to be performed on a PC or a tablet.
Barcode scanner with USB connection
Zebex is an example of a barcode scanner with a USB connection.