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Quantity adjustment

The field UsedQty in KIT makes it possible to add value at part lines in Production Work Orders (PWO) KITs. Use this if the planned quantity does not match the real used quantity.

Follow this procedure to adjust the quantity:

  1. To open the Production Work Orders (PWO) application, find Production in the RamBase menu and then Production. Click Production work orders to enter the PWO application.

  2. Click the Kit icon to enter the KIT document for the PWO.

  3. Click the Edit Used Quantity icon in the Qty/Time column to open the Edit Used Quantity popup.

  4. Set the real used quantity in the UsedQty field and click the Confirm button.

  1. The setting Allow update of USEDQTYin PWO KIT must be switched on.

  2. PICK has not been initiated.

  3. Material with Class C or M.

  4. KitFixQty can not be used at such part lines.