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Knowledge Center

Release a Service Order for production

After the Service Order (CSO) has been registered, a Production Work Order (PWO) is automatically generated for the service job. This needs to be released for production for the operators to work on.

  1. To open the Service Order (CSO) application, find Service in the RamBase menu and then Order handling. Click Service orders to enter the CSO application.

  2. Highlight the desired CSO and press ENTER.

  3. Highlight the service product (the second item line in the CSO) and press ENTER.

  4. Click the magnifying glass icon called Inspect Production.

  5. Enter the related PWO from the Production Inspect application.

    • At this point you may also adjust the dates in the ProdStart/ProdEnd fields if needed.

  6. Click the Release for Production button at the bottom.

The service job is now released and visible for the operator who will perform the service.

If you need to change any details after you have clicked Release for Production, it is possible to press F12 and choose the option Undo Release to return the PWO to ST:4. This is only available as long as no operations has been started.