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Production operations (OPR)

An operation is a unit of predefined work that is required in the production process. An operation can involve several parts and/or raw materials, and is linked to a resource or resource group. The Operaitions (OPR) application contains information about all operations in RamBase.

To open the Product operations (OPR) application, select Production from the RamBase menu and then Operations management , click Operations.

  1. To search for a specific operation, enter the search criteria in the search field. A popup appears. You can create a search query by using the search criteria given in the popup.

  2. To create a new operation, click on the Create a new operation button in the lower left corner.

  3. Enter a descriptive name for the operation in the Name field.

  4. Click on the OK button. The new Operation is set to Status 1. You can see the new operation at the top of the operation list.

  5. The Production Operations Details area gives the following fields, drop down lists and control groups.

    • Description - Enter a description of the operation here.

    • Type - Select the type of operation from the list. If you select External, you are only shown external resources in the Resource drop-down.

    • Applies to - Select if the operation is related to either a production resource or a resource group.

    • If Resourceis selected in Applies to then Resourceis displayed. Select the resource by using the Resource drop-down menu. To see more information about the selected production resource, click the arrow to open the Production resources (RESCONFIG) application.

    • If Resource Group is selected in Applies to then Resource Group is displayed. Select the resource group by using the Resource group drop-down menu. To see more information about the selected production resource, click the arrow to open the Production resources (RESCONFIG) application.

    • Set next operation ready - Specify the Value and Unit here. For example, if you specify 5 pieces, then the next operation in the sequence is automatically set as ready when the current operation has completed 5 pieces.

    • Settings - You can set a Checkpoint and name it. The checkpoint halts the operation until a certain task is completed. You can name the checkpoint task in the description. For example, once your operation is commenced, you can add a checkpoint to halt further operations until a quality assurance process completes.

    • Require picking before completion - If this option is selected, then all the necessary parts for this and previous operations must be be picked before the current operation can be completed

    • Require serial number before completion - If this option is selected, then all items in the trace-list for all product units must have a serial number assigned.

    • Processing - Specify the Run time, Setup time and Cleanup time for this operation in hours. You can also use decimals such as 0.2 hours etc.

    • Alternative resources - Select Add new alternative resources to add alternative production resources that can be used for the operation if the main production resource is unavailable. For example, this can be a substitute machine or operator.

    • Added cost - Select Add new additional cost to add additional costs from this operation. The additional cost can also come from the use of alternative resources. The additional cost is displayed in the product structure of products that contain this operation.

    • Custom fields - Select the Custom Fields tab to see the list of all additional fields that were added to the detail view of the given operation. Each modification of these fields are stored in the Revision history of the operation. To view the Custom fields in the Operations grid, click the Cogwheel icon and select the Include custom fields option.

    • Suppliers tab. This tab is activated if the Type of the production operation is External. The function of the Suppliers tab is twofold: First, the information will help in the planning process, as RamBase will be able to calculate how long the product will be unavailable because of the external work. Second, the time the product is registered away from the premises in the Suppliers tab, will be used to calculate the correct lead time for an outsourced/external operation and to set scheduled requested date for a purchase order for an outsourced/external operation.

      Lead time

      Lead time

      To add a supplier, start by clicking Add new supplier at the bottom left in the tab.

      • Supplier field: Type the name of the relevant supplier to look it up.

      • Transit days to field: The number of days the product will be in transit to the supplier.

      • Standard lead time field: The number of days the supplier needs in order to get the job done.

      • Transfer days from field: The number of days the product is in transit from the supplier.

      • Set as preferred supplier checkbox: The first supplier added will automatically be registered as preferred, whether or not this checkbox is selected or not. The checkbox should be selected when adding other suppliers, in order to make them preferred supplier. Preferred supplier can easily be changed at a later time: In the list of suppliers in the Suppliers tab, select the radio button of the preferred supplier in the Preferred column.

      • Confirm arrival date checkbox: Select this checkbox to confirm that the date in the Supplier order confirmation (SOA) is in fact the arrival date of the product at the premises, and not just the date the product is ready at the supplier (for pick up).

      Finally, to add the new supplier, click Create.

  6. To activate the operation, select Operations and select Activate. Activating the operation will set it to Status 4. The following information must be specified before activating a production operation:

    • Type

    • Applies to

    • Resource or Resource group

    • Run time

    • Setup time

    You can edit an activated operation from the context menu by selecting Operations and then Open for edit.

    Lead time

    Lead time

    Lead time

The other options available in the context menu are as follows.

  1. Inspects and views give the following options:

    • Experience data - Select this option to open the Quality Report Archive Menu - Experience data application.

    • Revision history - Select this option to view the revision history of the operation.

    • Included in structure - Select this option to open the Kit menu application.