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Prepare for picking (PFP)

Prepare for picking (PFP) is an application that displays as default, all Sales orders (COA) and Service orders (CSO) which are ready for delivery, according to the Scheduled shipping date field on the COA items and CSO items. It is possible to change the filters to see the entire order backlog and plan ahead.

To open the Prepare for picking (PFP) application, find Logistics in the Rambase menu and then Picking. Click Prepare for picking to enter the PFP application.


The application gives the user the option to transfer all filtered Sales order (COA) item or Service order (CSO) items in status 8, to a Shipping advice (CSA) in status 0, 2 or 3. It also gives the user the opportunity to transfer all CSAs and Goods tranfers (STW) from status 0 to status 2 or 3, enabling the user to print picklist and shipping labels. To transfer only one item, the user must use the arrow icon next to the St column.

It is several fields and icons in the PFP application which will make it easier to use it:

  • The most used filter fields is in top of the application and they are free text filters:

    • Customer name - Write the customer name to search in the Customer name column. This will search for either the Name or the FirstName of the Customer (CUS)

    • Customer reference number - Write the customer reference number to search in the Customer ref. no. column.

    • Product - Write the name of a product to search in the Product column.

  • From scheduled shipping date - It is set blank by default. This means that the application will display all COA items that should have been sent up until the date in the To scheduled shipping date field. Use the Calender icon to change the date.

  • To scheduled shipping date - It is set to today's date by default. Use the Calender icon to change the date.

  • Enter you search criteria here - Use this field to filter the search more specific.

    • Items with stock or non stock products - This filter is set as default and will display all COA items that is ready to be forwarded. Remove this to see all COA items.

    • Location * - The application will use the location the user have in the Warehouse Location field in the Personnel (PER) application.

  • Arrow icon next to the St column - Forwards item to CSA. The COA/CSO will go to status 9 and the CSA will be in status 0. The COA/CSO will be displayed in the application as long as the CSA is in status 0.

  • It is three unnamed columns next to the Id column:

    • First column - An icon here means that the COA must be approved before it can be forwarded.

    • Second column - An icon here means that the COA has a setting in the Shipment area that is blocking it from being forwarded. For example: Only ship entire orders.


    • Third column - An icon here means that the item cannot be forwarded to a CSA until payment is registered.

  • It can be a trash-bin icon in the last column. Click this to delete the CSA item and backward it to sales order.

Forward sales order to shipping advice

It is possible to forward a single COA item to a CSA or all filtered items to a CSA.

Forward a single sales order item to shipping advice

Click the arrow icon next to St column on COA item line. This will send the COA item to a CSA in status 0.

Forward all filtered items to shipping advice

This batch job will forward all items that is not limited by approvals or any other configurations to a CSA, regardless of status.

  1. Use the filter fields to find all items ready to be forwarded to a CSA.

  2. Click the Forward all filtered items to shipping advice button.

  3. This will open the Forward all filtered items to shipping advice popup and have three choices:

    • Leave as system generated (CSA in status 0).

    • Add to picking queue (CSA in status 2).

    • Start picking (CSA in status 3).

  4. Select priority and click the Ok button.

Forward service order to shipping advice

It is possible to forward a single CSO item to a CSA or all filtered items to a CSA.

Forward a single service order item to shipping advice

Click the arrow icon next to St column on CSO item line. This will send the CSO item to a CSA in status 0.

Forward all filtered items to shipping advice

  1. Use the filter fields to find all items ready to be forwarded to a CSA.

  2. Click the Forward all filtered items to shipping advice button.

  3. This will open the Forward all filtered items to shipping advice popup and have three choices:

    • Leave as system generated (CSA in status 0).

    • Add to picking queue (CSA in status 2).

    • Start picking (CSA in status 3).

  4. Select priority and click the Ok button.

Add to picking queue

By default, the Add to picking queue tab will display all CSAs in status 0. Remove the Shipping advices filter to display STWs in status 0.

Click the cogwheel icon to open the Column settings and choose between Add to picking queue column (this will forward the CSA/STW to status 2) or the Start picking (this will forward the CSA/STW to status 3).


Add a single shipping advice or goods transfer to picking process

Click the green arrow (low priority), yellow arrow (normal priority) or red arrow (high priority) to set the CSA in status 2 (add to picking queue) or status 3 (start picking).

Add all filtered lines to picking process

  1. Use the filter fields to CSA/STW ready to added to picking queue or started picking.

  2. Click the Add all filtered lines to picking process button.

  3. This will open the Send filtered items to picking process popup and have two choices:

    • Picking queue (CSA/STW in status 2).

    • Shipping queue (CSA/STW in status 3).

  4. Select priority and click the Ok button.

The Prepare for Picking (PFP) Overview tab

The Overview tab in the Prepare for Picking (PFP) application displays charts for Sales order items scheduled to be delivered and Shipping advices, goods transfers and supplier returns. You can use these charts as planning tools to prepare for picking and shipping operations.

  1. In the left-hand chart, select the From scheduled shipping date and the To scheduled shipping date to view the sales order items that are:

    • Pending forward to picking process. These are items in a Shipping Advice (CSA) in status ST:0.

    • Pending forward to shipping advice. These are items in a Sales Order (COA) in status ST:8, Ready for shipment.

    • Pending scheduled shipping date. These are Sales Order (COA) items that are awaiting the scheduled shipping date.

    • Pending stock assignments. These are Sales Order (COA) items in status ST:6. These items have not yet been produced internally or received from a supplier, meaning that a delay is anticipated.

    The default From scheduled shipping date is the current date and the default To scheduled shipping date is one week ahead of the current date.

  2. Select the Chart type to view the chart as:

    • Bar stacked. In this chart type, all the occurrences of various statuses are displayed as a stack in the same bar.

    • Bar. In this chart type, the bars representing the occurrences of the status are shown side by side.

    • Fluctuating line. In this chart type, the occurrences of the various statuses are represented by color-coded lines.

    • Accumulated line. In this chart type, the occurrences of the various statuses are represented by shaded areas.

  3. In Location, you can select the warehouse location, to view statistics from the specified location, if your PID has multiple locations assigned.

  4. In the right-hand chart, you can select the Chart Type and the Location. The chart shows the following as color-coded bars for Shipping advices, Goods transfers and Supplier returns:

    • Pending forward to picking process. The documents are in status ST:0.

    • Pending picking. These documents are further advanced in the process in status ST:2.

    • Pending shipping. These documents are in status ST:3, and in the picking process. The items are awaiting shipment after picking is complete.

    The right-hand chart shows the number of documents in the Y-axis, the left-hand chart shows number of Items in the Y-axis.

Webinar video

Click here to watch the Prepare for picking (PFP) webinar