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Register preregistered Supplier Invoice before goods are received

When preregistered Supplier Invoices (SIN) are linked to Purchase Order (SPO) items and waiting for goods, they will stay in status 3 until all goods are received. This means they will not be part of the Supplier Balance (SUPBAL) and general ledger balance, they will not be included in the VAT report and could not be handled by the remittance process in RamBase. It will now be possible to register these SINs to status 4, so that they will be a part of the SUPBAL and general ledger balance.

How to register a preregistered Supplier Invoice before goods are received
  1. Enter a preregistered SIN.

  2. Choose the Register supplier invoice before goods are received option in the context menu. This will set the SIN in status 4 and it will be a part of the SUPBAL and general ledger balance.

When the SIN is registered to status 4 it will receive a Product Account Transaction (PAT) document and it will be included in the Product Balance (PROBAL) application as Invoice Registered - Waiting for Goods. These transactions will also be part of the PROBAL that is imported to the general ledger. These PAT documents will be closed when goods are received, or when purchase order is cancelled.

It has been created a new Account Default (ACD), Acc Default PROING (General ledger account used when “Invoice No Goods” balance is imported to the general ledger), to automatically import invoices with no goods to the general ledger. By default this will be imported to the same general ledger account as goods with no invoice, but this can be edited by changing the account on the ACD.