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Add operation time on a PRODSSA item

In instances where the product needs to be delivered before all documentation has been completed, operation time can be added after the document has been closed (Status 9). Documentation is included in the total cost and is included as a unique operation in the production structure.

The criteria:

  1. Goods reception (SSA) document with doctype=production (PRODSSA).

  2. Status 9 (completed production work order).

Add time to a PRODSSA item
  1. To open the Goods Reception (SSA) application, find Logistics in the RamBase menu and then Reception. Click Goods receptions to enter the SSA application.

  2. Find the SSA document you want to add time to in the menu and press ENTER.

  3. Enter the SSA-Item, which is the Production Work Order (PWO) document.

  4. Press F12 to open the context menu and choose the option Add Operation Time.

  5. This opens the Add Operation Time popup. Use the drop-down menu to the right to choose the operation you want to add time to.

  6. Three field will then be open for input:

    1. StartDate: Enter the date the extra work was performed (can not be a date later than the current).

    2. StartTime: Enter the start time for the work done in the form HH:MM.

    3. Workhours: Enter the total amount of work time in decimal form.

  7. Click the Confirm button when finished.

  8. Gross margin (GM) at linked sales order, CostPrice on the SSA and stock value of the SSA will then be adjusted accordingly.