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Inspect bidding history

Bidding history may be inspected from the Bidding folder in the Customer (CUS) view.


Here you may look closer at the customers bidding history, with links to the events where bids were made and to the auction items (LOT) that were bid on.

Column descriptions
  1. St

    The current status of the LOT.

  2. LotNo

    The reference number of the LOT and direct link to the LOT.

  3. Description

    Description of the LOT.

  4. AuctionId

    The reference of the auction event (EVT) and direct link to the EVT.

  5. BidTime

    The time and date of the bid.

  6. Winner

    If the customer won the bid or not.

  7. Bidprice

    The ending price after bids.