Upload electronic orders
To upload Service Orders (CSO) electronically you will first need access to the RamBase FTP server where the files are to be uploaded.
Make sure you upload the files to the correct folder. The files from the customer needs to be located in a folder called ServiceOrders.
The FTP server.
This folder represents the database in RamBase.
This folder classifies it as a customer.
This number represents the specific customer.
This folder identifies the folder as Service Orders.
After the folder, with the file, has been uploaded, the system will recognize the file name and place it in the Import folder.
If the import job is successful, a new file will be created in the Success folder.
If the import job fails, a log will be created where the error may be inspected. After necessary correction to the file, it may be re uploaded.
After the batch has been run, CSO documents will be created based on the information in the uploaded file.