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Send statement of account to customer
Send statement of account to customer from the Customer application
  1. To open the Customer (CUS) application, find Sales in the RamBase menu and then Customer management. Click Customers to enter the CUS application.

  2. Highlight the line representing the specific customer.

  3. Open one of the Finance folders.

  4. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Send Statement of Account.

  5. In the Customer Account Report popup, select from the drop down menu which report to be sent.

  6. In the Date field, select the date you want the customer account balances by.

  7. Verify that selected customer is correct.

  8. Select the currency.

  9. Click the Next>> button.

  10. In the Print/Send document popup, click on the PDF icon to preview the document.

  11. To change printer, click the pencil icon on the PRINT line.

  12. To customize the e-mail, or change the recipient email address, click the pencil icon the EMAIL line. Click the Add button.

  13. Highlight the line representing the format you prefer (Print/Email).

  14. Press ENTER.

  15. The documents to be sent will be listed.

  16. Click the Send button.

Send statement of account to customer from the Customer Balance application
  1. To open the Customer Balance (CUSBAL) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then Receivables. Click Customer balances to enter the CUSBAL application.

  2. Use the customer filter or the radio buttons to filter open posts.

  3. Highlight the relevant item line.

  4. Press F12 and choose the option Send Statement of Account.

  5. For further handling, follow step 10-16 described above.