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Settings for Production - Operations management

Setting name


Move mode for Operation Planner

"Value in this setting for 'Movemode for the PLANNER/GANT' must be one of these alternatives:

MINIMAL: Only move this Almanac (ALM) element, do not touch the remaining operations, unless this element is moved in front of/after an adjacent operation, in which case those operations affected will be moved according to the rules of PACK.

SINGLE: Only move this Almanac (ALM) element, fail if moved across prev/next.

SIMPLE: Only move this Almanac (ALM) element, do not touch the remaining operations, dont care about conflict. Even possible to move started Operations or move them to before SYS.DATE/TIME"

Operation ID used in Rework

Value in this setting is a default Operation (OPR) needed to perform a Rework Production Work Order

Production Work Order Picking Operation ID

Value in this setting must be the Operation (OPR) that should be used in the structure for new Products (ART) that is loaded from PDM systems (CAD-design). The files only contains the parts that should be used in the Product, and the Operation will be picked from this setting

Wait For External Planner to start Operation

If setting is 'ON' - operations should be put on hold until release-signal is given  from the external planner.