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Version control of RPDs

To allow RPDs to be updated a version control system has been put in place. This system will ensure that there is only one running version (ST:4) of a report at any time and that edit/test versions of a report will not interfere with the current main version.

The version control also ensures that previous versions of the report are stored as ST:9 versions if they are replaced with a new ST:4.

  • An RPD in ST:1 will have a NO that is built up of the report NO, the Status and the creators PID – for instance: 100000.1.100 (where 100000 is the report number, 1 is the status and 100 is the creators PID).

  • An RPD in ST:4 will have a NO that is only the Report No – for instance – 100000

  • An RPD in ST:9 will have a NO that is built up of the report No, the Status and the version number – for instance: 100000.9.100 (where 100000 is the report number, 9 is the status and 100 is the version number. Version numbers will start at 100 (the first ST:4 RPD that existed for this NO) and be increased by 1 every time a new main version is created.

Every user can have their own edit-version (ST:1) of a report – however, just one for each PID.

There can only be one main version (ST:4) of any RPD.

Before making a new main version, the following checks are done if there is already an existing main version:

  • Check if the report has been scheduled for extraction to file/ftp – if so, the user will be warned about this, but will still be able to overwrite the current ST:4 with the new version they decide to.

  • Check if the report is currently being extracted to file/print – if so, the user will be informed of this and asked to wait until the current extract has finished before making a new ST:4 version.