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Settings for Auction - Settlement

Setting name


Combined Customer (CUS) and Supplier (SUP) balance

If this setting is "ON" - Possible to mark an option to 'Include Supplier Balance' in CUSBAL (Customer Balance overview), in addition to Customer Balance that already is showing

Send Remittance Advice

If this setting is "ON" - Indicates that Remittance Advice should be created when Payments (PAY) are created from AUCBAL. It will override the general setting for Remittance Advice 'RemitDocby' under Finance

TimeSchedule for Auction Supplier Invoice (SIN) Registration

Auction Supplier Invoices (SIN) are automatically generated by batch-job the same day as Sales Order (COA) is created for a Lot. This batch-job will also register Supplier Invoices, and this setting could be used to decide when these invoices should be registered. This could be set up to be done daily, weekly or monthly. This setting is related to sale from Online Auctions

VAT included in Commision

If this setting is "ON" - The price on Commision will be adjusted on the Supplier Invoice (SIN) if the commision has a charged Vatcode. Example: If the price on the commision is 100 and the Vat for the commision is 25%: Commisionprice = Commisionprice / (1+Vatpercent/100. Then the commisonprice will be 100/1.25 = 80. Summarized if the setting is activated, the Vat is included  as a part of the calculated commisionprice, and the commisionprice before Vat will be reduced. If the commistion line has Vat percent=0, the commision price will not be adjusted.