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Settings for Auction - Customer and supplier management

Setting name


Commision Percent on Supplier (SUP)

Value in this setting is a numeric value for Commision Percent that is inherited by the Supplier (SUP) when a new Supplier is created. The value will be used for calculating the Commision Amount that Supplier has to pay the Auction house when selling LOT's. If the value is 20 (percent) and a LOT is sold for 200 NOK, - the Supplier must pay the Commision Amount= 40 NOK to the Auction house, and is paid 160 NOK.  The Commision Percent is inherited by the LOTSSA from the Supplier, and from the LOTSSA to the LOT. For more information: - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Fee Percent on Sales Order (COA)

Value in this setting is a numeric value for Fee Percent that will be inherited to the Customer (CUS) when a new Customer is created. The value will be used for calculating the Fee Amount that Customer has to pay the Auction house when buying LOT's. If the value is 20 (percent) and a LOT has Current Bid 200 NOK, - the customer must pay Fee Amount= 40 NOK to the Auction house, in addition to 200 NOK for the LOT. The Fee Percent value should also be added in the 'Default Create-values' on Company (COM). For more information: - Auction/Customer and supplier management

Mirroring Contact (CNT) between Companies (COM)

Value in this setting must be a DataBase. Contacts (CNT) in the DataBase holding this setting, will be mirroring to the DataBase added as a value in the setting. This functionality could only be used if the Rambase system contains more than one customer DataBase. Format to be used: LLL-LL (L for letters)

Mirroring Customer (CUS)  between Companies (COM)

Value in this setting must be a DataBase. Customer (CUS) in the DataBase holding this setting, will be mirroring to the DataBase added as a value in the setting. This functionality could only be used if the Rambase system contains more than one customer DataBase. Format to be used: LLL-LL (L for letters)

Mirroring information between Customer (CUS) and Supplier (SUP)

If this setting is "ON" - Information fields on Customer (CUS) will be mirrored to Supplier (SUP) and vice versa. Which fields that will be mirrored are hardcoded, and can only be updated by Hatteland