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Settings for Finance - Tax Handling

Setting name


Calculate VAT on Fee for customer documents

This parameter is used to tell if fee on customer documents should have VAT calculated. "YES" : Calculate VAT on fee if documents have item(s) that have VAT. "NO" : Do not calculate VAT from fee

Calculate VAT on Freight for customer documents

This parameter is used to tell if freight on customer documents should have VAT calculated. "YES" : Calculate VAT on freight if documents have item(s) that have VAT. "NO" : Do not calculate VAT from freight

Method for calculation VAT

The value "SHIP" in this setting means VAT handling will depend only on the Shipping address. The value "INVOICE" means both Shipping address and Invoice address will have influence on VAT handling

Supplier Documents - VAT on Fee calculated

This parameter is used to tell if Fee on Supplier documents should have VAT calculated. If setting in 'ON' - Calculate VAT if documents have item(s) that have VAT. If setting is 'OFF' - Do not calculate VAT from fee

Use  of Intrastat report

Setting used for activating functionality that will tag transaction documents that should be Intrastat reported. When goods are sent from 1 EU country to another EU country. RamBase Intrastat Reports will then be used to report these transactions

Use of Altinn from RamBase

Activate functionality for sending VAT declaration directly from RamBase to Altinn. NB! User has to approve VAT declaration in Altinn

Group tax report across company's

Comma separated list of companies to include in VAT report in addition to current company. Grouped companies must have same VAT periods and VAT codes must have same setup.

Use SalesTax instead of VAT

This setting determens if MVA in Company info should be replace with the text "Sales Tax"

VAT on freight

This setting is used to tell if FREIGHT on supplier documents should have VAT calculated. If value "YES" : Calculate VAT on FREIGHT if documents have item(s) that have VAT. "NO" : Do not calculate VAT from FREIGHT

VAT handling for ATR documents created by file-import

This setting will tell how VAT should be handled when ATR documents are created by file-import, and the file contains row(s) with VAT Code that should generate VAT The setting will tell if VAT is included in the amount from 1 line, or if the amount is the Net Amount and VAT should be added, if the line has a VAT code that should produce input and / or output VAT. It is also possible to set up that no VAT calculation should be done. Then the importfile should include separate lines for Net amount and VAT amount.

These are the 3 variables to choose from as a default value:

  • Amounts are Net-amount, and VAT should be calculated based on Net-amount and VAT pct.

  • Amounts are Gross-amounts including VAT, and VAT amount should be split from Gross-amount.

  • VAT-amounts should not be calculated.