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Common picking list

Common picking lists allow you to create a picking list for multiple Shipping advices (CSA) and Goods transfers (STW) per customer.

How to create a common picking list
  1. Start in the Prepare for picking (PFP) application. To open the PFP application, find Logistics in the Rambase menu and then Picking. Click Prepare for picking to enter the PFP application.

  2. Click on the Add to picking queue tab. This tab shows all CSAs that has been forwarded from Sales orders (COA) from the Forward sales order to shipping advice tab.

  3. Use the filters to find the CSAs that you want to add to the common picking list.

  4. Click on the Add all filtered lines to picking process button.

  5. Select Start picking in the dropdown menu.

  6. Click on the Add all filtered lines to one common picking list per recipient checkbox.

    • Set a name in the Picking list name field that will be visible on the printed picking list. This is optional.

  7. Select Priority.

  8. Click on the Ok button to create the common picking list.