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Register service orders from CSM

Customer Service management (CSM) can be used to mass register Service Orders (CSO).

  1. To open the Customer Service Management (CSM) application, find Service in the RamBase menu and then Order handling. Click Service order management to enter the CSM application.

  2. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Upload Service Order - CSO.

  3. Click the Select File button. This will open a new popup where you can locate the CSV file which contains the details regarding the CSOs.

  4. Enter a description if needed in the Descr field. Click OK and the upload will run.

Register documents
  1. To register the documents, use the filter field to filter out the desired documents.

  2. Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Register document.

  3. Inspect the popup for correct information and click OK when finished.

  4. The services which have been set as active can be seen in the Active column.