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Register a quality issue

A Preventive Action is an action to prevent the occurrence of a potential nonconformance, such as harmful behaviors or processes.

Register a quality issue
  1. Enter the Quality Report Archive (QAR).

  2. Click the Create New icon to create a new QAR.

  3. Choose which type of category the issue sort under using the drop-down menu called Category.

  4. Choose the type of sub-category the issue will sort under using the Type drop-down menu.

  5. The Subtype field is either drop-down menu, based on the previously chosen categories, or free text fields. The Case field is always a free text field.

  6. The field Reported By can be entered with the PID of the person who reported the issue.

  7. The Review dropdown menu has two option, Pending and Reviewed. Choose if you want the issue to go through a review process. This flags the issue and makes it visible when filtering.

  8. Click the magnifying glass called Grouping to open the QAR Grouping popup window. Here you may choose which department (DepNo field), project (PrjNo) and the Assets menu (AstNo) the issue will be related to.

  9. Add a description in the description free text box, together with any notes & attachments you want to connect to the issue.

  10. The next step is to forward the report to the next attendant which this is accomplished by pressing the Register button. The status will then change from 1 to 2, and a new folder, Temporary actions, becomes active. The new folder will typically be handled by the next attendant.

With the report in status 2, the person responsible must complete the following steps to process:
  1. Open the Temporary actions folder and enter a description of the temporary action.

  2. The Deadline will be set default to todays date. Keep this, or edit it if you need.

    • If the issue is lacking details, it may be returned to the original creator for supplemental information using the Return button.

  3. Choose the Next Casehandler using the person icon.

  4. Register the temporary actions using the Register button.

When a report on preventive action in status 2 is registered, the status is updated to 3, and a new folder, Cause, is now active.

With the report in status 3, the person responsible must complete the following steps to process:
  1. Open the Cause folder

  2. Select a Cause type

  3. Write a supplementary description of the cause

  4. Choose the Next Casehandler using the person icon.

    • If the issue is lacking details, it may be returned to the original creator for supplemental information using the Return button.

  5. Register the cause using the Register button.

When a report on preventive action in status 3 is registered, the status is updated to 4, and a new folder, Corrective actions, is now active.

With the report in status 4, the person responsible must complete the following steps to process:
  1. Open the Corrective actions folder

  2. Select an Action type

  3. Write a supplementary description of the corrective action

  4. Choose the Next Casehandler using the person icon.

  5. Register the cause using the Register button.

The Risk Assessment folder is not mandatory, but is recommended.

  1. Choose the most fitting option in the Recurrence Probability dropdown menu.

  2. Choose the degree of severity in the Severity dropdown menu.

  3. The date/signature is set automatically.

With the report in status 5, the person responsible must complete the following steps to process:
  1. Open the Verification folder

  2. Write a supplementary description of the verification if needed.

  3. Choose the next casehandler.

  4. Register the cause using the Register button.

If you need to connect the issue to an article, press F12 to open the action menu and choose the option Link to ART. If this is chosen, choose the desired article and press ENTER. There will now be a reference to the article in the QAR document. All articles with a QAR document related will have this document listed when you click the QAR Documents icon in the ART document.

QAR may also be created from a series of other documents such as CUS, SUP, PWO and LCM in addition to ART. Please look for the QAR Documents icon in the upper right corner on the document.