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The Task process templates (PTM) application

The Task process templates (PTM) application is used for defining task process templates

The application is found via the RamBase menu: Click Collaboration, Task and finally Task process templates to access it. Alternatively, it is accessible via the Program field: type PTM and press the ENTER key.

Task process templates area

The Task process templates area to the left in the application is where it is possible to get an overview of all existing process templates, in contrast to the Task process template details area, which specifies details for a specific task process template.

Sorting and filtering

It is possible to use columns to sort task process templates. Click once on the title of a column to sort in ascending order, click once more to sort in descending order, and click one final time to remove the sorting. It is possible to use several columns to sort at the same time.

There are also filtering options in the Task process templates area, via the Search field, and Filter builder (both Standard filters and the opportunity to Create custom filters). Read more about filtering in RamBase here, for detailed instructions.

Create a new task process template
  1. Click the Create new template button in the lower left corner.

  2. Type a descriptive name for the template in the Name field (mandatory).

  3. If relevant, type a description of the template.

  4. Select Standard in the Type drop-down menu (default).

  5. Click the Create button to create the task process template.

  6. The template will now be listed in the Task process templates area and is ready for further information and tasks to be added in the Task process template details area and tabs to the right in the application.

Task process template details area

The Task process template details area is used to give/see further details of a specific task process template. It is also used to manage and add task templates to a specific process template, as well as manage permissions.


Use mouse-over and click to see a description of each field in the Task process template details area.

The tasks added in the Task template tab cannot be used on their own, they are just template tasks that will be turned into tasks tied to a process when a process is started from a task process template.

Priority is Medium by default, but may be changed.


In some cases, it may be useful to tie a task process template to a specific role (for example a department or people with a specific area of responsibility). This is done in the Responsible area lookup field, located in the Task process template details area.


Available roles are managed in the Roles (ROLE) application.

Database separation

Process templates are available across all companies, even if process details are restricted to certain companies. Settings in a process template will only define default Restricted to companies values for newly created processes.