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Arriving waybill (WBI) procedures - Create, add, handle, putaway and register

An Arriving Waybill (WBI) is used to identify a specific consignment of goods. One consignment can contain several Goods receptions (SSA).

  1. To open the Arriving waybill (WBI) application from the RamBase menu, select Logistics followed by Reception, then finally Arriving waybills.

  2. To create a new Arriving waybill (WBI) in Status 1 - Pending registration, click the Create new arriving waybill button.

  3. In the following popup, provide the following information:

    1. Carrier (CAR) - By clicking the Carrier drop-down menu and selecting the Carrier (CAR) providing the service.

    2. Tracking number - By clicking and typing in the Tracking number field.

  4. To create, click the Create button.

    Result: An Arriving waybill (WBI) in Status 1 - Pending registration will be created and added to the list.

  5. If available, the following information can be provided in the Delivery information area:

    • Carrier

    • Tracking number

    • Location

    And in the Package details area:

    • Number of packages

    • Gross weight

    • Weight unit

    • Length

    • Width

    • Height

    • Length unit

    • Area/m2

    • Volume/m3

  6. Information provided from the vendor or the forwarder will increase accuracy in delivery. Provide the following information, if available, in the Delivery date information area:

    • Estimated time of departure

    • Estimated time of arrival

    • Actual time of departure

  7. To forward an Arriving waybill (WBI) from Status 1 - Pending registration to Status 2 - Pending goods in transit, select the Waiting for goods in transit option, found in the Context menu options.


    Context menu options icon

    In short, this option will register the Arriving waybill (WBI) and allow Purchase order response item(s) (SOAITEM) to be added as expected goods.

    Result: Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) can now be added to the Arriving waybill (WBI).

Add Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) to an Arriving waybill (WBI)

Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) in Status 3 - Pending goods reception and Status 5 - Pending response to request for change, can be added.

To be able to add Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) the Arriving waybill (WBI) must be registered, meaning in Status 2 - Pending goods in transit.

  1. To add Purchase order response item(s) (SOAITEM) to the Arriving waybill (WBI), click the Add purchase order responses button.

  2. In the Add purchase order response popup, select the Purchase order response item(s) to be added to the Arriving waybill (WBI).

    To select all, click the Checkbox at the top of the Status icon column.

    To select individual Purchase order response item(s) (SOAITEM), click the Status icon.

  3. When selection is done, click the +Add selected items button to finish adding Purchase order response item(s) (SOAITEM) to the Arriving waybill (WBI).

    Result: Selected Purchase order response item(s) (SOAITEM) will be added to the list in the Expected goods tab.

Goods have arrived

When the goods have arrived, the Goods arrived context menu option is used to forward the Arriving waybill (WBI) from Status 2 - Pending goods in transit to Status 3 - Ready for goods reception process.

Purchase order responses (SOA) can no longer be added to the Arriving waybill (WBI).

Result: The user may now use the Receive goods button in the Expected goods tab to open the Receive goods (RPP) application, where the Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) and Purchase order response (SOA) can be forwarded to Goods reception (SSA).

Handle the Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) in the Receive goods (RPP) application

To be able to Receive goods (RPP), the Arriving waybill (WBI) must be in Status 3 - Ready for goods reception process.

  1. To receive the goods, click the Receive goods button to open the Receive goods (RPP) application.

  2. Continue handling the reception according to the information provided here:

    The Receive goods (RPP) application

    Result: When the Purchase order response items (SOAITEM) have been handled in the Receive goods (RPP) application, the Purchase order response item (SOAITEM) will be forwarded to Status 9 - Processed. Continue handling in the Received goods tab.

Print labels and prepare selected goods reception for putaway and register the selected goods reception

A Goods reception (SSA) must be selected to make the Register selected goods reception and the Print labels and prepare selected goods reception for putaway buttons available.

For a Goods reception (SSA) to be forwarded from Status 2 - to Status 3 - Pending supplier invoice, labels must be printed and preparations must be completed.

  1. To print labels and prepare the Goods reception (SSA) to be put away, click the Print labels and prepare selected goods reception for putaway button.

    Result: The Goods reception (SSA) has now been forwarded from Status 1 - Pending label print to Status 2 - Pending registration

  2. To register the selected Goods reception (SSA) to stock, click the Register selected goods receptions button.

    Result: The Goods reception (SSA) has now been forwarded from Status 2 - Pending registration to Status 3 - Pending invoice.