Provide accounting data in SAF-T format from 1 January 2025
SAF-T financial is a standard format for exchanging accounting data used in Norway. Version 1.30 is required from 1 January 2025. From this date, the SAF-t grouping codes will be included in the SAF-T file instead of the SAF-T code. However, SAF-T code in ACC will not be removed for now, since it might be needed if SAF-T should be reported for data prior to 2025.
Order Norwegian SAF-T file
It is only possible to order a SAF-T file for closed periods.
To open the General ledger postings (ATR) application, find Finance in the RamBase menu and then General ledger. Click General ledger postings to enter the General ledger postings (ATR) application.
Press F12 to open the action menu and choose the Order Norwegian SAF-T Financial data file option.
Select period in the Period field and click the OK button to order the SAF-T file.
Changes to the SAF-T file:
The element TaxAmount is replaced with two new elements, DebitTaxAmount and CreditTaxAmount.
GroupingCategory and GroupingCode has replaced the SaftStandard account.
ModficationDate is added.
Country requirements concept:
To support the SAF-T grouping fields, we have implemented the country requirements concept.
Tab for Country requirements, in the Chart of accounts (ACC) application to show the country requirements – This will show the two new grouping fields. These two new fields will replace the SAF-T code field, which is placed in the header of each General ledger account (ACC), in the SAF-T file.
Grouping category used for SAF-T file.
Grouping code used for SAF-T file.
Menu option in the context menu, Assign SAF-T grouping, in the Chart of accounts (ACC) application – This will automatically fill out the grouping fields. When using Assign grouping code menu option, grouping codes are set based on value in the SAF-T code field. If SAF-T code is empty, a pre step is run where RamBase tries to find a SAF-T code to the Chart of accounts (ACC) based on the functionality Assign SAF-T code. However, the SAF-T code which is found will not be written to the Chart of accounts (ACC). RamBase will just "keep it in mind" when looking up the grouping codes based on the SAF-T code. The grouping codes found will be written to the Chart of accounts (ACC).
Report Chart of account compared to SAFT grouping category and code, available from the Chart of account (ACC) application – This will show the overview of status of mapping and is available in the Chart of account (ACC) application with the menu option View report for SAF-T grouping code validation in the context menu. In this report (REPORT/115110), predefined filters are available:
Accounts that have SAF-T grouping fields.
Accounts missing SAF-T grouping fields.
If the Grouping codes are not set automatically:
If the grouping codes are not automatically set when using menu option Assign SAF-T grouping in the Chart of accounts (ACC) application, values in the fields Grouping category used for SAF-T file and Grouping code used for SAF-T file may be chosen manually by the user or loaded by the user.
When loading values in the fields Grouping category used for SAF-T file and Grouping code used for SAF-T fil, use INP/81654. The load contains of three fields ACCCODE, GROUPINGCATEGORY and GROUPINGCODE.

The values in the GROUPINGCATEGORY must be identical as in the value CODE, which is shown when opening the dropdown for the field Grouping category used for SAF-T file. Easiest is probably to export the columns to excel and use this when preparing the load. Press the cogwheel to initiate export to excel.
The values in GROUPINGCODE should only be the number after the "/" which is shown when opening the dropdown for the field Grouping code used for SAF-T file. Easiest is probably to export the columns to excel and use this when preparing the load. Press the cogwheel to initiate export to excel.