[en] Pre-invoice process for a project order
[en] In advance of invoicing, the person in charge of a project order must do a pre-process to be sure that worked hours and expenses have been approved and that material has been confirmed as consumed.
[en] Time & Material
[en] The billing basis for a project order that has Price model= Time & Material is based on the accrued figures:
[en] - Approved hours (Status 4)
[en] - Consumed material, and possibly Goods reception (SSA) for returned goods via the CDV process.
[en] - Supplier invoice (SIN) / Supplier credit note (SCN).
[en] - Approved expense logs
[en] Please note that accrued figures are initially calculated by a batch described under Cost & price, the billing basis will not be correct if accrued figures are not updated. To be safe, the user should trigger manual recalculation of the specific Project order (POD) before invoice is created.
[en] Fixed Price
[en] Billing basis in a project order that has Price model = Fixed price is prepared manually in the Invoice plan tab in the Project orders pending invoicing (POP) application.
[en] Confirm consumption of picked material
[en] Select the Confirm consumption of picked material... option in the context menu. When material is confirmed as consumed, the cost and revenues of this material will be understood as accrued. The internal Sales order (COA) will be forwarded to an internal Shipping advice (CSA). If you want to return material back to stock, this must be done beforehand. If material is returned afterwards, an ordinary return to stock must be made via the CDV process.