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[en] Knowledge Center

Wczytywanie archiwum Zapas (ART)

[en] Will be released 17 March 2025 - Use this resource to prepare for the coming update.

Pola, które można wczytać do RamBase, są wymienione w kolumnie Pole w poniższej tabeli. Pozostałe kolumny w tej tabeli zawierają dodatkowe informacje o każdym polu.

Zaleca się użycie opcji Wczytaj ceny zakupu zapasu, aby wczytać ceny zakupu. Jeśli skorzystasz z wczytania w tym celu, musisz sprawdzić pole Wczytaj ceny zakupu zapasu, aby zobaczyć, które pola są wymagane.

[en] Recommended partial load

[en] It is recommended to use the Load article purchase prices - INP/15539 to load purchase prices.

[en] If you still decide to use this load for it, verify which fields are required in Load article purchase prices - INP/15339.

[en] Load specific resilience - File structure and formatting

[en] This load includes unique and additional features:

  • [en] Automatic handling of decimal separators (comma vs. period) and certain date formats to reduce errors.

  • [en] This load is not upper- or lowercase sensitive.

  • [en] The following fields can be blanked out by sending in the value <BLANK>.

    • [en] CustomField1

    • [en] CustomField2

    • [en] CustomField3

    • [en] InternalNote

    • [en] CountryOfOriginCode

    • [en] DomesticCustomsTariffCode

    • [en] EUCustomsTariffCode

    • [en] PurchaseGroupName

  • [en] Field names are updated to new conventions:

    • [en] Example: PUGNO is now updated to PurchaseGroupName

Wstępne wczytanie archiwum Zapas

Aby móc zidentyfikować i zaktualizować zapas w późniejszym czasie, wstępne wczytanie musi zawierać wartości w polach CZĘŚĆ i PROD, a pole UTWÓRZ musi być skonfigurowane na wartość TAK. Zaleca się również dodanie wartości w polu ZEWID.


  • [en] The initial load should contain values in the fields Name and Manufacturer.

  • [en] The field CreateIfnotExisting must be set to 1.

  • [en] It is recommended to add a value to the field EXTID.

Aktualizacja archiwum Zapas

Aby zidentyfikować zapas do zaktualizowania, plik ładowania musi zawierać wartość w polu IT lub w kombinacji pól CZĘŚĆ+PROD.


  • [en] Mandatory fields are ProductId, or Name and Manufacturer.

[en] Relevant Company setting (CSV)

[en] If the listed setting is turned 'OFF', the field Manufacturer is not required.

[en] Company setting (CSV)

[en] Description

[en] Require Manufacturer on Products

[en] If this setting is 'ON' - Manufacturer (MFR) is required when creating new Products (ART)

[en] Table

[en] Possible fields to be loaded into RamBase are listed in the Field-column in the following table.

[en] Field

[en] Required

[en] Length

[en] Example

[en] Description

[en] AssignInMultipleOf


[en] Sometimes the products are packed together in a way that makes it preferable to keep them together when selling. When RamBase starts the process of assigning sales to stock or purchase backlog, this field is taken into consideration. If the available quantity is not in this multiple, the rest quantity will be requested for procurement.

[en] AutoCreateProductUnitAtGoodsReception


[en] When activated, product units are automatically generated when goods are registered to stock

[en] AutoGenerateSerialNumbersForPurchaseOrders


[en] Serial numbers can be added to all newly created purchase order items. The serial number is specified in the company setting ProductionSerialNumberCounter, which will increase afterwards. If the company setting AutoProductionSerialNumberPrefix is specified, the serial number will be prefixed by this value.

[en] BlockedForProduction


[en] If a product is blocked for production, no production work orders with that product can be registered.

[en] BlockedForPurchase


[en] If a product is blocked for purchase, no purchase quotes or purchase orders with that product can be registered.

[en] BlockedForSale


[en] If a product is blocked for sales, no sales quotes, sales order requests, sales order change requests or sales orders with that product can be registered in this location.

[en] BlockedForShipping


[en] If a product is blocked for shipping, no shipments can be sent to customers from this location.

[en] ClassificationCode


[en] Product classification identifier

[en] ClassificationGroup


[en] Product classification group

[en] ClassificationLevel1


[en] Product classification level 1

[en] ClassificationLevel2


[en] Product classification level 2

[en] ClassificationLevel3


[en] Product classification level 3

[en] ClassificationLevel4


[en] Product classification level 4

[en] ClassificationLevel5


[en] Product classification level 5

[en] CountryOfOrigionCode

[en] DE

[en] Two-character code (ISO 3166) identifying the default country where the product is produced. This value is inherited from the assigned goods reception(s). If not country of origin is specified for the goods reception(s), country of origin is retrieved from the product. If assigned to multiple goods receptions with different origin, the field will be empty.

[en] CreateIfnotExisting


[en] Use the value 1, if product should be created if it does not match existing products

[en] CustomerExtId


[en] External id, used for migrations to refers to customer in a different system.

[en] CustomerId


[en] Products customer identifier

[en] CustomersProductName


[en] Customers/buyers name of the product

[en] CustomField1

[en] York

[en] Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. Obsolete field

[en] CustomField2

[en] Cosmetics

[en] Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. Obsolete field

[en] CustomField3

[en] Consumer

[en] Custom field for grouping, sorting, categorizing and other purposes. Obsolete field

[en] DaysToExpediteScheduledStartDate


[en] Number of days the production will start ahead of the scheduled start date. Set this value if you want a buffer to be sure you are ready in time.

[en] DefaultManufacturersProductManufacturer

[en] INTEL

[en] Manufacturer of the MPN

[en] DefaultManufacturersProductName

[en] BX8071513700KE

[en] Manufacturer's name of the product. Also known as Manufacturer Part Number (MPN).

[en] Description

[en] X12 laser

[en] Description of the product

[en] DetailedDescription

[en] X12 laser with 5000 m long beam green light

[en] Detailed description of the product

[en] DomestisCustomsTariffCode

[en] Domestic customs tariff classification identifier

[en] EUCustomsTariffCode


[en] EU customs tariff classification identifier

[en] ExcludeFromSOPProcesses


[en] Exclude product from sales- and operation (SOP) processes for location. Typically used for products/materials being purchased, but can also be set for products with product structure.

[en] ExclusivelyForCustomer


[en] If customer is specified, only this customer can place orders for this product. Customer id

[en] ExpectedWastagePercent


[en] Standard percentage of wastage for product when used in a production work order in this location

[en] ExpectedWastageQuantity


[en] Standard quantity of wastage for product when used in a production work order in this location

[en] ExternalReference


[en] External reference of the product. Typically used for storing product identifier for same product in external system

[en] ExtId


[en] External reference. Used in migration. Id in external system

[en] FreightPercent


[en] Freight percent. Will, if added, be a part of the cost calculation

[en] GlobalTradeItemNumber

3 014260 11553

[en] Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a 14 digit identifier for trade items (comprising among others of the former EAN International and Uniform Code Council). Examples of types of GTIN are UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN

[en] Height


[en] Height of the product in centimeters

[en] InternalNote

[en] Don't sell this product without talking to the sales manager

[en] Internal note regarding the product. Should not be exposed to customers.

[en] IsExternallyManufactured


[en] True if product structure is manufactured externally, and not internally

[en] IsManufacturedInBatches


[en] Products is either manufactured in batch product units, or single product units. When manufactured as single, each production unit of a production work order should result in separate product units. When manufactured in batches, all production units from one production work order should result in one common product unit.

[en] IsNonStock


[en] True if this is a non-physical product which are no using assignments from the assignment archive

[en] IsTraceableMaterialOfProductUnit


[en] During production of a product structure, each produced unit generates a list of traceable materials included in the finished unit. When this value is true, this product is included in the list of traceable materials.

[en] Length


[en] Length of the product in centimeters

[en] LocationShortName

[en] OSL

[en] Unique abbreviation/short name of the location

[en] MainImageId

[en] FIL/201026.100

[en] Main image of the product

[en] Manufacturer


[en] Manufacturer of the product

[en] ManufacturingAreaName

[en] Area2

[en] Name of manufacturing area

[en] MeasurementUnit

[en] pcs

[en] Measurement unit used for this product, both in sales and purchase.

[en] MeasuringToolGroup

[en] Thread Micrometer

[en] Measuring tools group

[en] MinimumGrossMargin


[en] The minimum gross margin, in percent, for the product

[en] MinimumWorkOrderQuantity


[en] Minimum ProductionOrder quantity to a production

[en] MoistureSensitivityLevel

[en] 5A

[en] Moisture sensitivity level is an electronic standard for the time period in which a moisture sensitive device can be exposed to ambient room conditions.

[en] Name

[en] X12-5000

[en] Name of the product

[en] NeedsMaterialReplacementToRelease


[en] You can add a dummy article in productions which you replace with the actual product before production starts. This function is used in situations where it is undecided which product will be used in the final production.

[en] PackageQuantity


[en] Total quantity of the product within a package

[en] PackageType

[en] Box

[en] Type of wrapping used for the package

[en] PalletQuantity


[en] Total quantity of the product that can be on a pallet

[en] PlanningCategory

[en] P33

[en] Planning category

[en] PreferredStockLocation

[en] B-12

[en] Preferred stock location in this location for this product

[en] ProduceInMultipleOf


[en] Quantity to produce in multiple of. Ex. if set to 2, you can only produce 2, 4, 6 etc

[en] ProductId

[en] #125778

[en] Product Id

[en] PublicProductUri


[en] Public/external product URI for more information about the product. Will typically be an URL to product details at the manufacturer web site.

[en] PurchaseExpectedLeadTime


[en] The expected lead time, in number of days, from ordering from supplier to delivery. Used in different purchase processes, typically when supplier is unknown. Note that this might differ from the standard lead times defined on the different suppliers.

[en] PurchaseGroupName

[en] Laser group

[en] Name of purchase group

[en] PurchasePrice


[en] The purchase price of the product for this product supplier

[en] PurchasePriceCurrency

[en] EUR

[en] Three character code following the ISO 4217 standard

[en] PurchasePriceEffectiveDate


[en] The date the purchase price takes effect. The price will be effective from from and including this date.

[en] PurchasePriceExpirationDate


[en] The date the purchase price expires.

[en] PurchasePriceMinimumQuantity


[en] The minimum quantity for this purchase price to be applied


[en] YES


[en] SEK

[en] Currency



[en] Price

[en] ReorderPoint


[en] A minimum amount of quantity which a location holds in stock, such that, when stock falls to this amount, the product must be reordered

[en] ReorderQuantity


[en] Preferred quantity to use when reordering to this location. Is also used as order quantity when stock gets below reorder point.

[en] RequireSerialNumberAtGoodsReception


[en] If all units of this product should have a serial number in stock, you should require serial number to be required at goods reception. This will ensure that serial number is specified before goods receptions with this product is registered.

[en] RequireSerialNumberBeforeShipping


[en] If all units of this product should have a serial number before shipping, you should require serial number to be specified before shipping this product. Shipping includes supplier returns, shipping advices and stock transfers.

[en] Revision


[en] Revision number

[en] SalesStandardLeadTime


[en] The standard lead time, in number of days, from customer places order to delivery.

[en] SalesType

[en] Defines if an article is of one of the types: Sales, Sales and rental, Rental, Subscription.




[en] ART/#224377

[en] Link from service table to KM article.



[en] "Y" if main service.

[en] Status


[en] Status of the product

[en] SupplierExtId


[en] External id, used for migrations to refers to suppler in a different system.

[en] SupplierId


[en] Supplier id. Needed if supplier data or purchase data should be updated

[en] SupplierIsPreferred


[en] Whether this supplier is preferred or not

[en] SuppliersMinimumOrderQuantity


[en] A minimum order quantity (MOQ) is the lowest set amount of stock that a supplier is willing to sell. If you can’t purchase the MOQ of a specific product, then the supplier won’t sell it to you. Also note that if purchase quantity exceeds the MOQ, the purchase quantity should always be in multiple of the MOQ.

[en] SuppliersProductName


[en] Supplier/sellers internal product name

[en] SupplierStandardLeadTime


[en] Standard lead time in days for this product from this supplier

[en] Type


[en] Type of product

[en] UDF_CustomFieldName

[en] What ever

[en] User defined fields. You may have several columns, one for each custom field

[en] UseProductIdAsProductName


[en] Use the value 1, if product name should be set equal to product id

[en] Volume


[en] Volume of the product in cubic centimeters. Volume is calculated automatically as L* W* H (when the volume field is empty and L,W ,H have values). Volume can also be changed manually

[en] WarrantyPeriod


[en] The time period (in months) in which the product may be returned or exchanged. The warranty period starts at the date of shipment to customer.

[en] Weight



[en] The weight of the product in kilograms

[en] Width


[en] Width of the product in centimeters