[en] Load Tasks (TASKUPLOAD) - INP/79448
[en] Imports tasks from CSV file.
[en] Field | [en] Required | [en] Format | [en] Example | [en] Description |
[en] ST | [en] No, default is 1 | [en] Status | 4 | [en] Status of the task:
[en] TITLE | [en] Yes | [en] Text | [en] Title. | [en] Title of the task. |
[en] DESCRIPTION | [en] Text | [en] Description. | [en] Description of the task. | |
[en] CREATEDBY | [en] Partially yes - may be skipped if it will be able to find employee by name or email | [en] Number | 11111 | [en] The PID of the person who created this task. |
[en] CREATEDBYNAME | [en] Text | [en] John | [en] Used to find CREATEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] CREATEDBYFIRSTNAME | [en] Text | [en] Doe | [en] Used to find CREATEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] CREATEDBYEMAIL | [en] Text | [en] john.doe@mail.com | [en] Used to find CREATEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] ASSIGNEDTO | [en] Number | 11111 | [en] The PID of the person who this task is assigned to. | |
[en] ASSIGNEDTONAME | [en] Text | [en] Doe | [en] Used to find ASSIGNEDTO if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] ASSIGNEDTOFIRSTNAME | [en] Text | [en] John | [en] Used to find ASSIGNEDTO if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] ASSIGNEDTOEMAIL | [en] Text | [en] john.doe@mail.com | [en] Used to find ASSIGNEDTO if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] PRIORITY | [en] Number | 2 | [en] Priority of the task:
[en] When skipped default value is 3. | |
[en] DEADLINE | [en] Datetime - yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss | [en] The date and time the task needs to be done. | ||
[en] ISPRIVATE | [en] Integer | 0 | [en] True if this task is only visible to the creator of the task. 0 - False, 1 - True. | |
[en] CREATEDAT | [en] Datetime - yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss | 2020.02.26 12:09:45 | [en] Date and time when the task was created. | |
[en] COMPLETEDAT | [en] Datetime - yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss | 2020.02.26 12:09:45 | [en] Date and time when the task was set to Status 8 - Done. | |
[en] STARTEDAT | [en] Datetime - yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss | 2020.02.26 12:09:45 | [en] Date and time when the task was started. | |
[en] CREATEDINDB | [en] Text | [en] TEM-NO | [en] The database the task was created in. Default will be database, where loading script was started. | |
[en] COMPLETEDBY | [en] Number | 11111 | [en] Reference to the user (PID) who marked this task as done. | |
[en] COMPLETEDBYFIRSTNAME | [en] Text | [en] John | [en] Used to find COMPLETEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] COMPLETEDBYNAME | [en] Text | [en] Doe | [en] Used to find COMPLETEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] COMPLETEDBYEMAIL | [en] Text | [en] john.doe@mail.com | [en] Used to find COMPLETEDBY if empty, based on first and last name or email. | |
[en] REGISTEREDTIME | [en] Number | 2.5 | [en] Accumulated hours registered on this task. Decimals separated with dot "." and not comma ",". [en] Time will be automatically registered by person, if present, in following order: COMPLETEDBY, ASSIGNEDTO, CREATEDBY. | |
[en] EXTID | [en] Text | [en] ext123 | [en] Identifier of the task in external system. | |
[en] FOLDERID | [en] Text | [en] 1DC95E30-1E74-15EB-B5CC-758A19ED256B | [en] Folder identifier from external system used to map correct folder in Rambase system. | |
[en] QISACTIONSEXTID | [en] Text | [en] extQis123,extQis456,extQis678 | [en] Identifiers to know what QIS to add new created task to as an action. Actions will be created in quality issues which have this EXTID (also imported to Rambase from external system). Multiple references can be defined in one task, separated by comma - see example. |