[en] Provide a reason for why Stock correction (SAW) is created
[en] To provide a reason for why a Stock correction (SAW) is created can either be mandatory or optional.
[en] If the Reason as mandatory for stock correction (SAW) setting is switched ON in the Company settings (CSV) application, the reason will be mandatory to provide when a Stock correction (SAW) is created.
[en] The options in the Reason field must be set up locally by RamBase service desk. Contact your RamBase partner to initiate updates.
[en] If it is mandatory, the user must choose between the options in the Reason.
[en] If the Reason as mandatory for stock correction (SAW) setting is OFF, it is optional to state the reason.
[en] Stock corrections (SAW) are in some processes created by background processes and not manually. When this is the case they will automatically get Stock taking deviation as the reason.
[en] The Stock taking deviation reason will appear if Stock correction (SAW) is created from the Stock taking details (SSTGOODS) application (started from the Stock taking (STT) application).
[en] The Stock taking deviation reason will also appear if Stock correction (SAW) is automatically created in the Stock taking (STT) process, because the Create Stock Correction (SAW) if Deviation at Stock Taking setting is turned ON.
[en] The reason will be displayed in the Reason field in the Stock correction (SAW) application.

[en] Reason for change is also available in the application used for part change in a Product unit (LCM), and it is only in this application that users can potentially write a free text.