Sprawdzanie wartości stanów magazynowych
Upewnij się, że:
Saldo raportu wartości stanu magazynowego jest równe kontu zapasu w Księdze Głównej.
[en] The balance of the appropriation account(s) is 0 (zero).
[en] During period closure, the account(s) connected to inventory is automatically reversed in the correct period which means that the balance of the appropriation account(s) shall be 0 (zero).
Sprawdzanie salda raportu wartości stanu magazynowego
NetAmount jest używana w aplikacji Salda zapasów (INVBAL).
[en] Write INVBAL and the current period in the program field (INVBAL/YYYYMM) and press ENTER. Or enter INVBAL included with period filter directly from PAR by pressing the amount in the Balance column for transaction named INVENT in the Inventory Balances folder.
[en] Verify that the Rate field value (current/historic) is correct according to your system setup.
[en] Note the amount on the bottom of the Inventory Balance column. This amount is to be compared with the balance of the inventory account in the general ledger. For manufacturing companies, the amount in the Picked to Production column is included in the Work in Progress.
[en] Note that it is possible to set up separate GL accounts for Finished Products and Material instead of having all inventory imported to one GL account. You could then change the value in the Group by filed to CLASS in INVBAL.

Sprawdzanie salda konta zapasów w Księdze Głównej
[en] Write ACC/1xxx in the program field and press ENTER or enter the GL account(s) directly from PAR by clicking on the link in the GL Account column in the Inventory Balances folder.
[en] Highlight the item line presenting the correct period.
[en] Note the amount in the Total, YTD column on this item line.
[en] Compare this amount(s) to the amount(s) from the value of stock report (INVBAL).
W przypadku wystąpienia odchylenia, sprawdź możliwe sposoby postępowania w temacie: Odchylenie pomiędzy wartością księgi pomocniczej zapasów a saldami zapasów w KG.