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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] File types (FIT)

[en] A file type can be described as a template that is applied to uploaded files.

[en] Each company may create their own file types, customized to the needs of the company. The File types (FIT) application is where the file types are created and managed. The application has a range of options to customize a file type to different needs.

[en] The File types area

[en] The File types area on the left side of the application offers an overview of previously added file types, presenting them in a grid format. It is also where new file types are created.

[en] To create a new file type, click on the Create file type button in the lower-left corner. Then add a name and category for the file type, and click the Create button. The newly added file type will now appear in the File types area, ready for further details to be added in the File type details area to the right.

[en] It is possible to customize the File types area by adding columns, as well as applying filters and sorting options. More information about filtering functionality in RamBase can be found here.

[en] The File details area

[en] The File details area is where the content of the file type is managed, including properties, internal file name pattern, permissions, requirements and approval setup.


[en] Tip: Use mouse-over (and click) to see a description of each field/checkbox in the application.

[en] The General tab
[en] Properties

[en] There are multiple options to customize the properties of file types, by checking whether the file:

  • [en] Is system generated

  • [en] Is externally owned

  • [en] Allow new versions

  • [en] Is externally approved

  • [en] Is shareable

  • [en] Requires operator certificate

[en] Internal file name pattern

[en] This is used to set standard internal filename patterns for uploaded files. For instance, it enables adding 'SalesorderId' at the beginning of the internal name for every file uploaded to a 'SalesOrder'.

[en] As the name suggests, the internal name does not overwrite the name of uploaded files.

[en] Permissions

[en] Use permissions to determine access for reading, writing, and detaching files. This can be achieved by granting permissions directly to a user or, more commonly, to a role. By default, users/roles are granted all permissions, requiring relevant checkboxes to be unchecked for customization.

  • [en] If the Read checkbox is checked, the user/role will have permission to view the file.

  • [en] If the Write checkbox is checked, the user/role will have permission to edit the file.

  • [en] If the Detach checkbox is checked, the user/role will have permission to detach the file from the entity it is uploaded to.

  • [en] If none of the checkboxes are checked, the file will be available to all users and roles.

[en] Requirements

[en] Specify mandatory files for upload and define if these should serve as internal documentation only or be included in a Manufacturing record book (MRB).


[en] This functionality has to be turned on by your RamBase support provider.

[en] The Approval setup tab

[en] The Approval setup tab has three subtabs in which users set up approvals for file types:

  • [en] Approval - It is possible to require different types of approval, and the setup for these is managed in the Approval configuration (APC) application:

    • [en] Internal approval

    • [en] External approval

    • [en] Document controller approval

  • [en] Metadata- Add metadata to be used during approval to ensure easy access to context and key information.

  • [en] Checklist - Add a checklist to be used for approval. This could be a general checklist for all customers/suppliers, or a customized checklist per customer/supplier.


[en] If the name of a file type is changed, the file type name of already uploaded files will be updated accordingly.