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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] Location (LOC)

[en] The Location (LOC) application is used to create and maintain warehouse locations. To open the Location (LOC) application, find Logistics in the RamBase menu and then Warehouse management. Click Locations to enter the application.

[en] Locations area

[en] The locations list area displays all available locations along with their associated information. To create a new location, simply click the Create location button and fill in the required details

[en] Header
  • [en] Search field - The Search field can be used to search for specific locations. Click the Search field and press SPACEBAR to list all the available parameters to search on.

  • [en] Filter builder icon - Click the filter builder to list the available standard filters. The user can also Create custom filters by selecting Field + Operator + Value and clicking the Save filter button. The saved filter will be save in the My saved filters area in the Filter builder popup.

  • [en] Column settings icon - To select which information is displayed, click on the Column settings icon and hover over Columns. Then select the intended columns. The selection of data can be exported to Excel via the Export to excel option in the Column settings. The Reset to default view is also useful in resetting column width and placement, since columns can be dragged and dropped to suit the user.

[en] How to create a new Location (LOC)

[en] Click on the Create location button in lower left corner in the Locations area. A pop-up where you fill in Short name, Name, Address name, Attention, Phone, Address line 1, Email, Address line 2, Postal code, City, State and Country will appear. All the mandatory field must be filled before the Create button gets active.

[en] Note that State is only present if you have chosen a Country that has States. Also note that value in LOC can only have three characters, you will get a warning if you add less or more.

[en] Location area

[en] The table below describes the columns/fields available in the Edit general data pop-up.

[en] Columns

[en] Description

[en] Short name

[en] Unique abbreviation/short name of the location.

[en] Name

[en] Name of warehouse location.

[en] Address name

[en] Address Name, typically a company name.

[en] Attention

[en] Attention.

[en] Phone

[en] Phone number for the location

[en] Address line 1

[en] First address line.

[en] Email

[en] Email address for the location.

[en] Address line 2

[en] Second address line.

[en] Postal code

[en] Postalcode/Postcode/ZIP.

[en] City

[en] Location city.

[en] Country

[en] Location country.

[en] State

[en] If present, Location state.

  • [en] Type field - Type of location.

  • [en] Shipment length unit field - Default measurement unit for length to store on shipments.

  • [en] Shipment weight unit field - Default measurement unit for weight to store on shipments.

  • [en] Auto confirm pick checkbox - If this box is ticked, the system should automatically confirm pick on shipping advices from this location.

  • [en] Require package registration to ship checkbox - If this box is ticked, there must be packages registered to be able to ship goods.

  • [en] Allow goods transfer to this location - If this box is ticked, you can transfer goods to this location from another location by using the STW application. If box is ticked, a Supplier special for goods transfer to this location is created, with Supplier classification = ‘S – Stocktransfer’. When STW is created for goods transfer to this location, it will be created for this supplier.

  • [en] Use for invoice address checkbox - Used to indicate that this location is used as invoice address for the company.

[en] VAT data button

[en] When a company is registered for VAT purposes in another country than its main country, the VAT information from the second country should be added in VAT data. E.g if a Norwegian company is buying/selling to/from a company in another country from a Norwegian warehouse (Location), this is handled by standard VAT configurations. On the other hand, if the company is selling from a warehouse (Location) in another country than Norway, the company needs to be VAT registered in this country to be allowed to ship from/to this warehouse. This set-up has to be done in VAT data.

[en] Information in VAT data in Location (LOC) is also used for handling direct shipments in RamBase. A company's VAT number(s) in another country than its main country, is to be set up in VAT data in Location (LOC) of type Direct shipment. The corresponding setup of VAT codes in the VAT register and the corresponding set up of default general ledger accounts must be made in the General account default register (ACD). A SCV for Direct shipment should also be set up, determining when the local VAT number(s) should be used.

[en] Services button

[en] Here you can add service partners from your supplier and contact list. This is just for information and triggers no functionality.

  • [en] Clicking the Services button opens a pop-up in full screen, allowing you to select supplier and contacts.

  • [en] Show on web – Can be used as a flag for integration against custom made website for service partners.

[en] Shipping addresses area

[en] When new LOC is created, the address that is entered will also be put in the Shipping addresses list, as the Main and default address.

[en] Shipping addresses are added by clicking the “Create shipping address” button, then a pop-up for adding address will open.