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[en] Create document requirements for Product structures (KITART) and creating a Manufacturing record book - Procedure

[en] Creating a Manufacturing record book (MRB) includes setup of Company settings (CSV), the configuring of Approvals (APC), defining planned document requirements on Product structures (KITART), and optionally adding requirements to Production structures (KITDOC) and handling file types in the File types (FIT) application.

[en] Limitations of the procedure

[en] The following procedure outlines general steps in defining planned requirements on Product structure (KIT) level to finalizing the Manufacturing record book (MRB). The procedure assumes that File types (FIT) are previously defined and that a Manufacturing record book template (MRBTEMPLATES) has been created.

  1. [en] Product (ART) - Define the document requirement for the Product (ART).

    1. [en] Select the Product (ART) and from the context menu, select the Document requirements option.

    2. [en] Create a new requirement by clicking the Create a new requirement button in the Document requirements popup.

    3. [en] Click the MRB checkbox, and select a type in the Select type dropdown menu. To create the document requirement for the Product (ART), click the Create button.


    [en] If the product is then added as a part in a Product (KIT), the document requirement will be included.


    [en] Type refers to file types which are created and defined in the File types (FIT) application. The approval settings of the file type is also defined there.

    [en] Select a file type from the list and click on the Approval setup, followed by clicking the Approval sub-tab. The user can select the following approval options; Document controller approval, Internal approval and External approval.

    [en] To including the requirement of an operator certificate, click the General tab and select the Requires operator certificate option.

  2. [en] Product (KITART) - Verify and add planned document requirements

    1. [en] Select the Product (KIT) in the Product (ART) application and click the Structure button.

    2. [en] Verify the planned requirements by clicking the Planned requirements icon in the header.

      • [en] In the Planned document requirements popup, all document requirements for materials, operations and parts, that are included in the Product (KIT), are listed. A listed document requirement will only have a source, if a document requirement is defined on the part, resource or operation, in other words; a planned document requirement. If a listed document requirement does not have a source, it means that is has been manually added to the Product (KIT) and will not be included if the Planned document requirements are rebuilt, with the Rebuild icon, in the popup footer.


      [en] If there are added several new document requirements in the Designer tab. Using the Rebuild functionality in the Planned requirements popup can be an efficient way to quickly add the new requirements to the Product (KIT).

    3. [en] Add parts, operations or materials by clicking the Designer tab. Search for the element to be added and drag and drop the element from the Part selection area to the Structure composer.

      • [en] Note that if the element has a document requirement, it will be automatically added in the Documentation requirements area. Click the Magnifier icon next to the requirement to verify its source.

      • [en] Document requirements can be manually added from the Type dropdown menu in the Documentation requirements area. Use the MRB checkbox to include the requirement in the Manufacturing record book.

  3. [en] Verify document requirements for Production work order (PWO) efficiently from the Production work orders (PWOMENU) application or the Production work order (PWOD) application

    1. [en] In the Production work orders (PWOMENU), find the Production work order (PWO) from the list and click on the Document requirements icon in the Documentation column.

      [en] The same Document requirements popup can be found in the context menu of the Production work order (PWOD) application, by selecting the View document requirements option.

      • [en] The Document requirements popup will list all document requirements for that Production structure (KITDOC). Note that Status 8 means that the document requirement is met. And Status 4 means that is not.

    2. [en] If a document requirement is missing, Status 4, this file can be dragged and dropped from a folder on the local computer and into the Production work order (PWOD) application. This will open the File upload popup. Where files can added and document requirements met.

      • [en] Preview the file, add the correct file type and verify that it matches the missing file type for the document requirement.

      • [en] In Actions column, click the Downwards arrow icon to view and edit Detail, Version, Approval and which entity the file Links to. If certificates are required, those which are added to the current user can be found in the Approvals tab, in the Issued certificate dropdown menu.

      • [en] Use the Bulk edit toggle in the header to efficiently handle multiple files.

      [en] Click the Upload button to upload the file. Verify that the requirement has been met, from Status 4 to Status 8, by going back to the View document requirements option in the Context menu.

  4. [en] From Production work order (PWOD) to the Manufacturing record book (MRB) - Check the progress of the document requirements

    1. [en] From the Production work order (PWOD), select the Document status overview (MRB) option in the context menu. This will open the Manufacturing record book (MRB) application.

      • [en] The Production work order (PWO) must be inked to a Sales order (COA).

    2. [en] Check which requirements are ready and which are missing in the Mrb status overview area. To quickly list all documents to be included, click the Document list tab.

      • [en] If there are document(s) missing approval, click on the Missing DC approval button in the Mrb status overview area. Those documents will be listed and can be approved in the Document approval (DAP) application.

        [en] In the Document approval (DAP) application, documents missing approval will be in Status 4 - Pending. Select the document from the list and verify the approver in the Approvals area in the lower right corner. Documents can be approved or rejected. An approved document will go to Status 9 - Approved, and will meet the requirement in the Manufacturing record book.


        [en] Document approval rules are set in the Approval rules (APC) application

        • [en] Document approval by internal approver

        • [en] Document approval by document controller

        • [en] Document approval confirming external approval

  5. [en] Manufacturing record book (MRB) - Create MRB

    1. [en] In the Manufacturing record book (MRB) application, click on the context menu and select the Create MRB option.

    2. [en] In the Create MRB popup, select a template in the Select MRB Template dropdown menu.

      • [en] Optionally select the Create preliminary MRB checkbox to create an MRB that are missing requirements.

    3. [en] Type the revision name or number in the MRB revision field.

    4. [en] Click Create.

      [en] This will start a process where all documents are collected and generated into the manufacturing record book.

    5. [en] When the file is ready choose to either Open filemanager to inspect MRB or Send MRB by email.

  6. [en] File manager (FILMANAGERAPI) - Inspect and finalize the MRB file

    1. [en] Selecting the Open filemanager to inspect MRB option in the Create MRB popup will open the File manager (FILEMANAGERAPI) for the Production work order (PWO).

    2. [en] In the Objects tab, the Production work order (PWO) will be selected in the Select item dropdown menu and the different revisions will be listed as folders below. Click on the folder with the preferred revision.

    3. [en] All files for the MRB will then be listed in the details list on the right side of the application.

    4. [en] To preview and view details, find the file with type MRB. To quickly preview click the PDF icon in the Preview column. The user can also download the file locally by clicking the Download icon in the Download column. To open a new area where preview and meta data are available, in various tabs, click the Right arrow icon.

    5. [en] To finalize the MRB, select the file in the details list by clicking the Status icon and drag it to the top level of the selected item in the Objects tab.

    [en] The final Manufacturing record book (MRB) is now completed.