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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] Load Sales forecasts (FCC) - INP/70096

[en] Create a file in csv format

[en] The file should have the following fields included, with the fields as header.

[en] Field name

[en] Description


[en] Customer Id. Unique number created by RamBase. This is not required.


[en] The identification of the product, e.g.: #123456 If a productid is provided it will be checked against the database to see if it exists. The job will log an error if no products are found. This field is required.


[en] The name of a product, You do not have to give a product id, a product name is enough. RamBase searches the product archive with the provided name. If the product can not be found the job logs an error. This field is required.


[en] The customer's name of the product, If neither product id nor product name is provided, the customer can upload the customers product name. This requires an account to be also provided. RamBase searches the product archive based on the customer's product name and the customer account. An error is logged if no match is found. This field is required.


[en] The number of products, e.g.: 10. This field is required.


[en] The requested delivery date for the product. This date is used for further planning in Sales and operation planning (SOP). Use the formats DD.MM.YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY, YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY-MM-DD. This field is required.

[en] LOC

[en] Location of the forecast, e.g.: VAT. If LOC is not provided it will be set to LOC from the COM archive. The location will be validated against the database and an error is logged if no location is found.There is also a limitations that there can not be a mix of locations in the file – only one.


[en] The probability, in percentage, of receiving a firm order, e.g.: 65.


[en] The customers reference, e.g.: SPO/12345 (any string).


[en] The customers reference number, e.g.: SFC/112233 (any string).


[en] Refers to a specific shipping address for the customer, e.g.: If the field is given, it is validated along with the provided account. If no shipping address with this identifier is located in the provided customer account, then an error is logged.

[en] Example of a CSV file