[en] Goods assignments
[en] SAR (assignment register) is the RamBase archive which stores the assignments of goods from stock (SSA) and backlog (SPO/SOA/PWO) to orders (COA)/CSO), quotes (CQU), production work orders (PWO), stock corrections (SAW), goods transfers (STW), supplier returns (SRT) and shipping advice (CSA).
[en] How goods are assigned to transaction documents which needs assignments from SAR
[en] Abbreviations that are used:
[en] Pending - Pending assignments, will show up as a need for purchase or manufacturing
[en] CSV - Company settings
[en] SSA - Goods reception item
[en] SPO - Purchase order item
[en] SOA - Purchase response item
[en] PWO - Production work order
[en] COA - Sales order item
[en] CSO - Service order item
[en] CQU - Sales quote item (it is only buffer qty which require assignments)
[en] CSA - Shipping advice item
[en] SRT - Supplier return item
[en] STW - Goods transfer
[en] SQU - Purchase quote
[en] CDV - Customer deviation
[en] REQ - Requested delivery date
[en] CONF - Confirmed delivery date
[en] DELDATE - Delivery date ('Scheduled shipping date' for a COA and 'Planned start date' for a PWO or a specific operation in PWO)
[en] CLASS - Product type
[en] ACCESS - Field in SAR which holds a customer id
[en] ITMLOC - Location at item level of a transaction document
[en] LOC - Location at main level of a transaction document
[en] ITMLOC - Location at item level of a transaction document
[en] KITSQUID - Reference to an SQU for a specific product in a special structure. Landed cost will be calculated based on this.
[en] CUSOWNED - Type 'Customer owned product'
[en] CUSOWNEDRETURN - Type 'Repaired for repair or service'
[en] INBOUNDRENTAL - Type 'Inbound rental'
[en] CUSRETURN - Type 'Returned from customer'
[en] REPAIRSUPRETURN - Type 'Repaired by supplier'
[en] ART - Product
[en] Assignments are in many situations created automatically by RamBase, but can also be overruled manually by users. When assignments are created automatically, this will happen according to certain rules. There are two sets of rules that can apply: standard rules or special rules.
[en] How to set up which assignment rules that should apply for a company
[en] Which rules that should apply is set up at location level in CSV. If no configuration is done, standard rules will apply for all locations in the company.
[en] If a company wants to run special rules for some locations, this has to be set up as follows:
[en] Turn the CSV/"Use special assignment (SAR) rules for certain locations" ON
[en] The locations where special rules should apply must be set up in the CSV/"Locations where special assignment rules apply", (e.g. VAT/HAU).
[en] In addition there are two more child settings for special rules:
[en] CSV/'Window for prioritizing stock assignments for special assignment rules'. X number of days from todays date where assignments from SSA item have the highest priority. If DELDATE (REQ is used instead of DELDATE for COA which is pending registration (Status 1)) is todays date or earlier, stock will always have highest priority, even if the setting don't have any value.
[en] CSV/'Confirm margin for special assignment rules'. X number of days. Here you may set up that CONF in SOA/PWO must be e.g. 2 days before PWO/transaction documents DELDATE to be regarded as time to fulfill DELDATE. (REQ is used instead of DELDATE for COA which is pending registration (Status 1).)
[en] The different rules will apply when automatically getting assignments to different transactions documents, like e.g. when a COA item is created or when a PWO is registered and also if nightly optimalization of SAR is running.
[en] Priority order for assignments if using standard rules
[en] For COA and CSO program searches for available quantity in the following order:
[en] SSA sorted ascending by DATE. If any of the SAR documents have ACCESS set to Customer id matching customer COA, these SAR documents are assigned first.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF>"", sorted ascending by CONF.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF="", sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] SPO sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] Pending.
[en] For PWO the program search for free quantity in the following order:
[en] SSA sorted by ascending DATE. In case ENDCUSTOMERACCOUNT is set in PWO, and there exist SAR documents with ACCESS set to this ENDCUSTOMERACCCOUNT, the program will only assign to these SAR documents.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF>"", sorted ascending by CONF.
[en] SOA/PWO/SPO with CONF="", sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] Pending.
[en] Priority order for assignments if using special rules
[en] For COA and CSO program searches for available quantity in the following order:
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF in time to fulfill DELDATE. (REQ is used instead of DELDATE for COA which is pending registration (Status 1).)
[en] SSA sorted by ascending DATE. If any of the SAR documents have ACCESS set to Customer id matching customer in COA, these SAR documents are assigned first.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF to late to fulfill DELDATE (REQ is used instead of DELDATE for COA which is pending registration (Status 1)), sorted ascending by CONF.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF="", sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] SPO sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] Pending.
[en] For PWO the program searches for available quantity in the following order:
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF in time to fulfill REQ date.
[en] SSA sorted by ascending DATE. In case ENDCUSTOMERACCOUNT is set in PWO, and there exists SAR documents with ACCESS set to this ENDCUSTOMERACCOUNT, the program will only assign to these SAR documents.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF too late to fulfill DELDATE, sorted ascending by CONF.
[en] SOA/PWO with CONF="", sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] SPO sorted ascending by REQ.
[en] Pending.
[en] Common for both standard and special assignment rules
[en] In addition to dates, there is a lot of other data that will be taken into consideration when creating assignment.
[en] These do only get assignments from stock (SSA), not from backlog (SOA/SPO/PWO) or 'Pending'.
[en] Buffer quantity in CQU will also only get assignment from stock and if not enough available stock, the rest will be pending.
[en] SRT will only get assignment from SSA with equal currency.
[en] If the CSV/" Supplier return (SRT) linked to Goods reception (SSA) with another Supplier Id" is ON, SRT will only get assignments from SSA which is from the same supplier.
[en] PWO:
[en] In case the product (part in structure) has CLASS="WX" or CLASS="XF", or if KITSQUID is set, the PWO will be 'Pending'.
[en] If ITMLOC is set in item, the item will get assignment from this location, otherwise from LOC at main level.
[en] If the setting CSV/"CusOrderAllowLinkToStockAtOtherLocation" is ON, and there is no available stock/backlog, the program will check if there do exist available stock at other locations. If there is enough stock available to cover the total need for the item, this will be assigned and ITMLOC will be changed to the location for this stock.
[en] In case ACCESS in SAR has a customer reference, it is required that this value match. Otherwise a sales transaction document will not get assignments from this.
[en] Check on CLASS:
[en] COA/CQU with CLASS="KS" will not get any assignments at all.
[en] COA with CLASS="WX" or KITID>"" will be 'Pending'.
[en] If the setting CSV/'Automatically link Products (ART) with Product Structure to Pending' is ON, COA with CLASS="K" or CLASS="KA" will be 'Pending' (this rule does not apply if the COA is of TYPE="CUSOWNEDRETURN").
[en] RENTAL handling:
[en] If the setting CSV/'Do not get automatically assignments from stock or backlog for rental order' is ON, COA of TYPE="RENTALORDER" will always be 'Pending'.
[en] Check on TYPE="CUSOWNED*"
[en] If the setting CSV/'Document link for Returns' is OFF, the following will apply:
[en] CQU/COA/CSA of TYPE="CUSOWNED*" only get assignments from SSA of TYPE="CUSOWNED*" and where customer equals customer in the sales transaction document.
[en] CDV handling:
[en] In case Sellers ref. no in COA has reference to a CDV, and CUSRETURNDOC in CDV has reference to an SSA, COA will get assignment from this SSA. In case WAREHOUSEACTCODE in CDV is "Return to Sup for repair", SUPERTURNDOC control which SSA that will be assigned.
[en] 'Assign in multiple of':
[en] COA will get assignment according to the quantity in 'Assign in multiple of' in ART. Example: If 'Assign in multiple of'='5' and a COAITEM is created for a quantity of 18, COA will only get assignment for 15 from stock/backlog and the remaining 3 will be 'Pending'. Manually assignments can be created for these 3 afterwards.