[en] Log expenses for a project order
[en] There are two ways to log expenses for a project order:
[en] Directly from the Project order item (PODITEM) application.
[en] From the Expense log (EXL) application (expenses are logged in the same way as in the Project order item (PODITEM) application, but Project order and Project order item must be selected in addition).
[en] To log expenses for a project order, at least one project order item needs to have the category Expenses and be based on expense logs.
[en] Log a single expense log on a project order item
[en] An expense log may be logged directly on a project order item via the the Expense log tab of the relevant project order item.
[en] Select the date the expense incurred, quantity and cost price. The sum in the Cost field will be calculated from the values given in the Quantity and Cost price fields.
[en] The Employee look-up field will have the current user as default, but users with a manager role may log expenses for others.
[en] If relevant, type an internal note in the Internal note field.
[en] Users with a manager role have the option to create an expense log and approve it directly to Status 4. This is done by checking the Approve checkbox. If the checkbox is not checked, the expense log will be created in Status 3.
[en] If several expense logs are to be logged on the same project order item, check the Retain input checkbox. This means that values selected for the current expense log will not be removed when a new entry is added. By changing a minimum of information, like the date in the Incurred datefield, several similar entries may be added in an efficient way.
[en] Click the Add button to add the expense to the project order item.
[en] All the fields must have a value, except for the Internal note and External note fields (and the two checkboxes).
[en] The same procedure may be followed to log expenses in the Expense log (EXL) application. However, users must select Project order and Project order item when logging expenses in the Expense log (EXL) application.
[en] How to efficiently log several expense logs on the same project order item
[en] If several expense logs have similar values and should be logged on the same project order item, there are three methods to efficiently log them:
[en] Check the Retain input checkbox when adding an expense log. This will ensure that the values added in the first entry will be kept for the next one. Make the necessary changes and add the expense log.
[en] Click the Copy expense log entry icon on the relevant entry to copy the values from this entry to the area where new expense logs are added. Any of the copied values may be edited before the new expense log is added.
[en] Add expense logs in the Multiple periods tab located in the Expense log tab. This is typically useful for expenses related to e.g. driving to the same site several days in a row. The start date is set by clicking on the Calendar icon in the Incurred from field and selecting the correct date. Similarly, the end date is set by clicking the Calendar icon in the Incurred to field and selecting the correct date. Click the Add button to create identical entries for each day in the chosen period. Individual entries may be edited afterwards by clicking the Edit expense log entry icon, and making the necessary changes and finally clicking the Save changes icon.
[en] Approve expense logs
[en] By default, expense logs are created in Status 3, unless the Approve checkbox was checked when the expense log was created. (Only available to users with a manager role.)
[en] To approve a single expense log, click the Approve entry icon in the Appr column.
[en] In the Expense logs (EXL) application, it is also possible to approve several expense logs at the time. This is done by selecting each expense log to be approved by clicking on the status icon for each of them and selecting the Approve selected entries option from the Context menu. If all the expense logs should be approved, it is possible to select all by checking the Select all items on page checkbox at the top of the column where the statuses are shown. Then select the Approve selected entries option from the Context menu to approve all the expense logs.
[en] Statuses of expense logs
[en] Status 3 = Pending manager approval. (Will influence on pending sale and cost.)
[en] Status 4 = Approved. (Will influence on accrued cost and sale and is ready to be invoiced.)
[en] Status 9 = Invoiced
[en] Status D = Discarded
[en] Expense logs with any status may be deleted.
[en] If an expense log is in Status 4 or Status 9 when deleted, it will be visible in the Expense log (EXL) application (and on the related project order item in the Project order item (PODITEM) application) with Status D. (The reason being that it has already influenced the billing basis and maybe even financial transactions.)