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[en] Quality issue details (QISD) application - Registration

[en] Upon creating a new quality issue in the Quality issue list (QIS) application, the quality issue will be opened in the Quality issue details (QISD) application, ready for registration.

[en] Quality issue area

[en] This is the main area at the top of the quality issue, and will remain the same throughout the process of handling the issue.

[en] At the top, it is possible to edit the quality issue name by clicking on the Pencil icon, making changes, and confirming them by clicking the Check mark icon.

[en] Beside the quality issue name, the quality issue ID and the status of the issue are located, with the status changing according to the issue's position in the handling process.

[en] Below the name of the quality issue, there is a free text field called Description, in which the issue should be described. The field is expandable: click in the lower right corner of the field and drag to set the preferred size.

[en] Select the employee that should have the main responsibility for the issue in the Responsible look-up field. The responsible person should follow up and make sure the issue is processed by the correct people. In order to do this, the responsible person needs permission to forward the issue to review and/or close the issue.

[en] Choose the individual to whom the issue should be assigned from the Assignee look-up field. This person will be tasked with handling the issue, such as conducting cause analysis or assessing consequences and/or risks. If the person set as responsible can perform these tasks, there is no need to assign it to an assignee.

[en] Process bar

[en] The Process bar, situated below the quality issue area, tracks the user's progress in handling/viewing the quality issue (workflow). Serving as a navigation tool, it allows users to move back and forth to view or manage information. Advancing through the process changes the issue's status, but revisiting earlier phases to view or manage information does not alter the status.

[en] Registration working area

[en] The registration working area has several tabs, where further information can be registered on the quality issue:

  • [en] Details

  • [en] Related issues

  • [en] Tags and references

  • [en] Source


[en] The order of the tabs may be rearranged according to user preference. Use drag-and-drop to move tabs.

[en] Details tab

[en] In the details tab, further information on the quality issue may be registered.

  • [en] Issue type: If this was not added upon creation of the issue, select the type of issue in the drop-down menu. (New issue types may be added in the setup (QISADMIN) application.)

  • [en] Category: If this was not added upon creation of the issue, select a category for the issue in the drop-down menu. (New categories may be added in the setup (QISADMIN) application.)

  • [en] Location: Select a location for the issue in the drop-down menu. After selecting a location, the location may be inspected in the Location (LOC) application by clicking the View icon.

  • [en] Department: If relevant, the department chosen upon creation of the issue may be edited in the Department lookup field. The department may be inspected in the Departments (DEP) application by clicking the View icon.

  • [en] Requirement references: Select one or more requirement reference(s) for the issue by checking the relevant checkbox(es) in the multi-select drop-down menu. Requirement references are used to identify which requirement(s) a quality issue deviated from or is related to. The reference could be an ISO quality standard, an internal procedure manual or other standard. (New requirement references may be added in the QHSES setup (QISADMIN) application.)

  • [en] Origin of issue: If applicable, click on the Customer, Employee or Supplier button to add the origin of the issue. Then select customer/employee/supplier in the lookup field.

  • [en] External reference: If applicable, type the external ID number that is reported from the customer’s or supplier’s system where they are processing deviations and actions.

  • [en] Notify when the issue is closed: Select this checkbox to notify the creator when the issue is closed. If the creator of the issue checked the I want to be anonymous when reporting this checkbox upon creating the issue, it will not be possible to notify the creator.

  • [en] Require review: If the setting Review step on issue level is turned on in the setup (QISADMIN) application, this checkbox will be checked by default.

  • [en] Occurred at: Type manually, or click the Calendar icon to select the date, and the Clock icon to select the time of the occurrence of the issue.

  • [en] Due date: This field gives the deadline for when the quality issue should be resolved. The default is calculated based on the value of the Quality issue default due date days setting in the setup (QISADMIN) application. The default date may be changed by clicking on the Calendar icon and selecting the preferred date.

  • [en] Custom fields: Any added custom fields will be located in the Details tab. Custom fields are added via the Custom fields (CUSTOMFIELDS) application.

  • [en] Suggested actions: This type of actions are typically added by the reporter.

    [en] Add a suggested action
    1. [en] Click Add new.

    2. [en] Provide a title and description for the suggested action.

    3. [en] Click Save.

    [en] Actions added in the Suggested actions sub-tab are not required actions. They must be converted to an immediate or a corrective action for them to be required actions for the quality issue to be closed. An action can be edited by clicking on it and making the necessary changes, then clicking Save (or the Trash can icon to delete it). If a suggested action is not relevant, the user handling the issue can check the Is rejected checkbox.

  • [en] Immediate actions: In the registration phase, users may also add immediate actions already taken as corrective measures to handle the incident.

    [en] All immediate actions are created as tasks and may be view or edited in the Task (TASK) application. It is possible to add both existing actions (tasks) and new actions as immediate actions.

    [en] Add an existing action (task)
    1. [en] Click Add existing.

    2. [en] Use the filtering functionality to locate the existing action (task) and select it.

    3. [en] If the action should be given a deadline, an assignee or be marked as done, locate the recently added task in the Immediate actions tab and select it. Make the necessary changes and click Save.

    [en] Add a new action (task)
    1. [en] Click "Add new".

    2. [en] Provide a title and description for the immediate action (task).

    3. [en] If required, set a deadline by typing manually in the Deadline field or use the Calendar icon for the date and the Clock icon for the time selection.

    4. [en] If relevant, select an employee in the Assigned to lookup field.

    5. [en] To mark the action (task) as completed, check the Mark as done checkbox.

    6. [en] Click Save.


    [en] To edit an action (task) locate and select it, then make the relevant changes and click Save.

[en] Related issues tab

[en] Related issues allow you to link any quality issue to the current issue.

[en] Add related issue
  1. [en] Click the Add related issue button in the lower left corner of the tab.

  2. [en] Select the type of relation in the Relation type field (mandatory).

  3. [en] Select the relevant issue from the Quality issue look-up field.

  4. [en] If several issues are to be tagged, check the Add another checkbox to speed up the process.

  5. [en] Click the Add button to add the related quality issue to the current one.

[en] Tags and references tab

[en] Adding a tag means linking a RamBase object directly to the quality issue.

[en] Add a tag
  1. [en] Click Add tag in the upper left corner of the tab.

  2. [en] Select the type of tag. (Available tags are Customer, Employee, Finance project, Product, Production work order, Sales order, Sales quote, Sales quote request, Supplier and Opportunity.)

  3. [en] Start typing the identifier of the object (name or number) to tag in the lookup field and select the relevant object.

  4. [en] Save the tag by clicking the Check mark icon.


[en] Click on the tag to view the object in the parent application. For example, a Supplier object opens in the Supplier (SUP) application.

[en] Add a URL
  1. [en] Click Add URL in the upper left corner of the tab.

  2. [en] In the popup, provide a Custom short name and the Url.

  3. [en] To add the URL to the Tags tab, click the +Add button.

[en] The URL-element can now be clicked in the Tags tab, and will open a new browser tab with the provided address.

[en] Source tab

[en] The Source tab holds information related to the source document of the quality issue.

[en] The source information is based on the data of the source document at the time the issue was created and will not be updated if anything changes in the source document.

[en] The user can update this information, but if updated, all source data will be removed and field information will be based on the newly selected source document.

[en] If the quality issue is created via the Quality issue list (QIS) application, the information in the Source tab must be typed manually, if relevant.

[en] Overview area

[en] This is the grey area to the right in the application, and comprises four tabs:

  • [en] The Summary tab (default)

  • [en] Log

  • [en] Notes

  • [en] Mail

[en] Summary tab

[en] The Summary tab is the default view displayed in the grey overview area. It presents a summary of the key information logged throughout the issue's handling process in the working area. Clicking on different items will open them in their respective parent applications. For example, clicking on an action will open it as a task in the Task (TASK) application. Depending on the users permissions; Due date, Occurred at, Type and Category can be edited.

[en] Log tab

[en] The Log tab enables users to track the primary changes made to the quality issue. The latest change appears at the top. Clicking on a log entry grants users access to more detailed information about that specific log entry.

[en] The Notes tab

[en] In the Notes tab, users may add notes to have them at hand and available when handling the quality issue. The tab also has filtering functionality. Notes added here, will also be available in the Notes (NOTE) application.

[en] Mail tab

[en] Users utilizing the RamBase Outlook add-in can directly link emails to a quality issue. When this is done, the emails will be available in this tab. The tab also has filtering functionality.


[en] The order of the tabs may be changed according to user preference. Use drag-and-drop to rearrange the order of the tabs.

[en] Workflow, status and navigation between stages of the process

[en] The Quality Issue Detail application provides a process-oriented workspace, where input fields and statuses are dynamically adjusted according to the current stage in the workflow/process.

[en] When the registration phase is completed, there are three ways of moving forward to the next stage (Analyzing):

  • [en] clicking on Analyzing in the Process bar

  • [en] clicking the Start analyzing button at the lower right of the working area, or

  • [en] clicking the Context menu and selecting Register

[en] Any and all of these three options will take the quality issue from Status 1, Registration to Status 2, Analyzing.

[en] After moving forward to the Analyzing stage, navigation back to the Registration stage to view or manage information can be done either by clicking the View registration details button at the lower right of the working area, or by clicking on Registration in the Progress bar. This will not impact the status of the issue. After the issue is set to Status 2, Analyzing, it is not possible to change the status back to Status 1, Registering.

[en] Preview of the quality issue report

[en] Users can generate a preview of the quality issue report, allowing to view all registered data on Quality issue (QIS) in a single PDF document. This functionality is accessible via the context menu option, Preview QIS report.