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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] Distributing a Work order operation (WOO) from Production resource group (REC)

[en] From the Distribute work order operations from resource group to member resources (DWOO) application.

  1. [en] Click the Production resource group drop-down menu, found in the Distribute work order operations from resource group to member resources area.

  2. [en] In the Production resource group list, select, or search for the intended Production resource group (REC).

  3. [en] In the Work order operations area, select the Work order operation (WOO) you want to assign to a Production resource member (RESCONFIG).

    • [en] You can use the Serial number - type in whole number, Product name and Product description to further narrow the search.

    • [en] You can use Standard or Custom filters to further narrow down the Work order operations (WOO) listed.

  4. [en] In the Member resources area, select the Production resource (RESCONFIG) you want to assign the Work order operation to, and click the Assign to member button in the Work order operations area.

[en] The assigned Work order operation (WOO) will now be displayed in the Member resource order operations area.