Tworzenie kopii istniejącego produktu
[en] In some cases, it may be beneficial to copy a product and make changes to it, rather than creating a new product from scratch. This is especially useful in situations where only small changes are needed.
Tworzenie kopii
[en] To open the Product (ART) application, find Product in the RamBase menu and then Product management. Click Products to enter the Product (ART) application.
[en] Locate and select the product that should be copied.
[en] Select the Copy product... in the Context menu.
[en] Enter a new product name to distinguish the copy from the original. The description may also be changed. Select checkboxes based on what should be copied. It is possible to copy the following parameters: Finance account settings, Purchase prices, Sales prices and Custom fields. Click on the Copy button when all changes are made. The copy is now ready for further changes and details.