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[en] Knowledge Center

Potwierdzanie pobrania towarów

Gdy awizo wysyłki (CSA / SRT / STW) osiągnie status o wartości ST:3, jest gotowe do pobrania.

  1. [en] To open the Shipping advices (CSA) from the RamBase menu, select Logistics followed by Shipping and then Shipping advices.


    [en] Using the navigation path above, the Shipping advices (CSA) application will be opened with the applied filter "legacyFilter('ST:3'), filtering the application on Shipping advices (CSA) in Status 3 - Pending shipping.

  2. [en] In the Shipping advices (CSA) application, select or search for the shipping advice to be picked.

  3. Wprowadź CSA, które chcesz pobrać i w menu kontekstowym wybierz opcję Pobierz awizo wysyłki.

  4. Spowoduje to otwarcie aplikacji Pobranie towarów (PICK). Przydziały są wymienione w aplikacji jako oczekujące.

  5. [en] Available Stock Qty for each Stock Location is listed in the Pick Confirm tab, on the right.

  6. [en] Select the quantity to be picked from each Stock Location by either typing a value in the Picked Qty field, or increasing/decreasing the quantity by one, by clicking the Arrow icons.

    [en] Suggested values

    [en] Based on the Pending Qty in the header, Picked Qty will be suggested for the Stock Locations.

    [en] Minimum and maximum picked quantity

    [en] If the Picked Qty is set either below the minimum or above the maximum, quantity to pick, a Warning icon will be displayed next to the Picked Qty field

  7. [en] To confirm, click the Pick button. When the Pending Qty has been Picked, the picking will be completed.


[en] Unpick

[en] To view the picking history or to perform an Unpick, click the Pick history tab.
