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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] Hand held terminal/device (HHT) - Honeywell

[en] Specifications and recommendations

  • [en] Honeywell Dolphin CT45 is the supported and tested unit for use with RamBase.

  • [en] BarCom is the recommended supplier. Units ordered from BarCom will have the necessary licenses from Honeywell installed, and the delivered units will be ready for use.

  • [en] Inform the supplier that the unit will be used with RamBase.

  • [en] Order License for Honeywell SDK.

  • [en] Use of a product specific pen will improve touch when inputting data.

[en] Login

  • [en] Make sure the unit is connected to WI-FI.

  • [en] Login to RamBase in Google Chrome.

  • [en] Use your Username (PID) + password or create a new user for the unit for your company. In example for the warehouse operators.

  • [en] Tip: Bookmark all relevant RamBase applications from the computer login.

  • [en] Applications can also be opened directly from the RamBase program field.

  • [en] If you receive the message “Failed to create BarcodeReader, Web service not responding", go to settings – web applications – enable web interface settings.


[en] Barcode scanner

[en] A barcode scanner can be used in RamBase for the applications to be performed on a PC or a tablet.


[en] Barcode scanner with USB connection

[en] Zebex is an example of a barcode scanner with a USB connection.