[en] Fee and freight in Sales invoice (CIN) and Sales credit note (CCN)
[en] Fee and freight will be able to be copied with the Forward all items to sales credit note option in the Sales invoice (CIN) and Sales credit note (CCN) applications.
[en] We have the forward operation on the main and item level in the Sales invoice (CIN) and Sales credit note (CCN) applications and the new checkboxes are only available when a new document is created. You can copy fee and freight from a Sales invoice (CIN) to a Sales credit note (CCN), and from a Sales credit note (CCN) to a Sales invoice (CIN).
[en] The checkboxes for fee and freight can be found in the popup by using the Forward all items to sales credit option in the context menu. The Copy freight and Copy fee checkboxes will be selected by default on main level, but not on item level. Checkboxes will be displayed depending on whether they have a value or not.
[en] Main level:
[en] Forward to new = Shows the checkboxes and is selected by default.
[en] Forward to existing = No checkboxes will be shown.
[en] Item level:
[en] Forward to new = Shows the checkboxes and will not be selected by default.
[en] Forward to existing = No checkboxes will be shown.
[en] Forward selected:
[en] Forward to new = Shows the checkboxes and will not be selected by default.
[en] Forward to existing = No checkboxes will be shown.