[en] Billing by Product (ARTBILL)
[en] ARTBILL Is similar to the customer billing report (CUSBILL) , it shows the total billing for Products, for 1 Period and 1 Year (12 previous Periods). ARTBILL has a filter, View and Group By options. in addition, you can specify the from and to dates. The default from-date is the 1st of the current month, and the default to-date is the current date. For example, 20xx.05.05 gives the from-date = 20xx.05.01 and to-date = 20xx.05.05. The default Group By is Article’.

[en] The first column varies, depending on the selected Group By, but otherwise it has the following columns:
[en] Items . Thenumber of invoiced (CIN) items Qty. The sum of quantity (QTY) from the invoice items. Sale. The sum of the billing amount from the invoice items LandedCost. The sum of net landed cost amount from the invoice items Avg.price . (Sale / CIN-quantity) GM . ( 1 - LandedCost / Sale) * 100
[en] These columns appear twice, with the first set showing data for the from/to date, and the second set showing data for 1 year back from the to-date. Customer credit note items (CCN-items) are included in the ARTBILL application, IF a return of goods is involved. The definition of return of goods is the credit note originates from a customer return (CDV) that has a Warehouse Action Code based on goods are returned from the customer, a return goods receipt (SSA) is created in the customer return (CDV) process. The Warehouse Action Codes are:
[en] 11 Return goods for repair
[en] 12 Return to Sup for repair
[en] 13 Return goods to stock
[en] 15 Send to Customer, Return to Supplier
[en] 16 Return to Supplier
[en] 18 Send to Customer, Return to Stock