[en] Consolidate Supplier invoice (SIN) items
[en] Use the Consolidate supplier invoice items option in the context menu to make it easier to handle invoices with many items. This will be possible when:
[en] The Supplier invoice (SIN) is in status 1.
[en] No items on the SIN have a CASE.
[en] No items are sent for approval.
[en] No adjustment plans are made.
[en] The operation will result in all items on the SIN being deleted. New items are created based on the old items, but grouped by: Product, GL account, Department, Project, Asset, VAT-code and Dimension 4-10. This means that all items with same Product, Department, Project, Asset, VAT-code and Dimension 4-10 will be consolidated to one item.
[en] The quantity on new items will be set to 1. NetPrice and NetAmount should be set equal to the total net amount of the old lines that are being consolidated.
[en] Text in the Description field that was included on the original items will not be transferred