[en] The Stock entries (INV) application
[en] The INV application is where you can get control over the stock transactions on the lowest level.

[en] The INV application shows a list over all goods reception items that are still in stock or a part of work in progress. By default, the numbers are displayed based on all locations, but it is possible to check only one by selecting the location in the top left corner. It is also possible to choose if you want to see all the values based on the products costing method, or by specific identification in the Present with field.
[en] On the right side of the application you will find information about selected goods reception, at what date it is received to stock, link to goods reception item document etc. The Cost / XXX field shows the price per unit of the product on the given goods reception.
[en] There are two different tabs in the INV application:
[en] Stock transactions
[en] This list all transaction related to this specific goods reception document.
[en] Cost change log
[en] This will list all transactions that will affect the cost of the product on the given goods reception document. One example could be if a user choose to change price manually on the goods reception document.
[en] The cost change log will always be updated, regardless if the product is still in stock or not. This is to track all changes in gross margin on sales, or updated cost in production if the product is used in productions.