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Aplikacja Zadanie (TASK)

Możesz użyć aplikacji TASK do tworzenia i organizowania różnych zadań dla siebie i innych pracowników w firmie.

Aby otworzyć aplikację TASK, w głównym menu RamBase wybierz kolejno opcje Współpraca > Zadanie > Zadanie. Możesz też otworzyć aplikację TASK w polu Program i nacisnąć klawisz ENTER.

Lista zadań

Lewy panel w TASK wyświetla listę Twoich zadań. Zadania mogą mieć jeden z pięciu statusów.

[en] View

[en] The view may be changed according to the user's preference by clicking on List view next to the Column settings icon., and selecting the preferred view.

  • [en] List view: This is the default view, which presents the tasks in a grid. In order to change the status of a task, click on the Status icon of the task and select the new status (To do, In progress or Done). It is possible to add hidden columns in this view by clicking Column settings, selecting Columns and selecting the preferred column option. In addition, it is possible to Export to Excel, Reset to default view and Include custom fields via Column settings. Use drag-and-drop to change the order the columns in the List view.

  • [en] Board view: This view makes it easy to see the progress of each task, as the columns at the top of the other views are replaced by status in Board view. Use drag-and-drop to change the status of a task in this view.

  • [en] Tree view: The Tree view groups and presents the tasks according to the process they are a part of. Tasks without a process are listed at the bottom. A process may be opened/folded to show/hide the tasks belonging to the specific process.

[en] Sorting and filtering

[en] In the List and Tree views, it is possible to use columns to sort tasks. Click once on the title of a column to sort in ascending order, click once more to sort in descending order, and click one final time to remove the sorting. It is possible to use several columns to sort at the same time.

[en] There are also extensive filtering options in the Tasks area, via the Search field, and Filter builder (both Standard filters and the opportunity to Create custom filters). Read more about filtering in RamBase here, for detailed instructions.

[en] Create a task
  1. Aby utworzyć nowe zadanie, wybierz Create_Task_ButtonAsset_6.svg.

  2. Wprowadź opisową nazwę zadania w polu Tytuł.

  3. Możesz przydzielić zadanie sobie lub dowolnemu innemu pracownikowi w firmie. Wybierz Down_Arrow_IconAsset_2.svg, aby otworzyć wyszukiwanie pracownika lub wybierz right_arow_in_black_box_icon.svg, aby otworzyć aplikację PER. Wybierz wymaganego pracownika w aplikacji PER.

  4. Wybierz calendar-blank-line.svg i Clock_Icon.svg, aby określić datę i czas, do którego zadanie musi zostać zakończone, Ostateczny termin.

  5. Wybierz opcję Prywatne, jeśli to zadanie jest prywatne i ma być widoczne tylko dla Ciebie.

  6. [en] If relevant, check the Create another checkbox. This will empty the pop up and keep it open, ready for the creation of a new task after the current task has been created.

  7. [en] Click the OK button to create the task.

[en] Start a process
  1. [en] To start a process directly from the Task (TASK) application, click the Start process button at the bottom of the Tasks area.

  2. [en] Find the relevant template in the Process template lookup field (mandatory).

  3. [en] Type a descriptive name for the process in the Process name field (mandatory).

  4. [en] If the task has a deadline, this can be set in the Deadline field. Type manually, or click the Calendar icon to select a date, and the Clock icon to select a time.

  5. [en] If relevant, check the Private checkbox to limit access to only the creator of the process and RamBase superusers. Privacy may also be set at a later time, if needed.

  6. [en] Click the OK button to start the process.


[en] Clicking Manage templates will take the user to the Task process templates (PTM) application.

Szczegóły zadania

[en] The Task details area is used to give/see further details of a specific task. It is also used to change and track the status (progress) of the task.


[en] Use mouse-over and click to see a description of each field in the Task details area.

[en] Tabs

[en] The Task (TASK) application has several tabs for added functionality.


[en] The order of the tabs can be customized: Use drag-and-drop to organize the tabs in the preferred order.

  • [en] Checklist:

    [en] The Checklist tab lets users manage and keep track of checklist items of the task. It has search, sorting and filtering functionality at the top of the tab, as well as the option to add several hidden columns via Column settings.

    [en] Add a checklist item:
    1. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    2. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    3. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    4. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    5. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    6. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

    7. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

      [en] The label and comment of a checklist item may be edited by clicking the Edit checklist item icon. (The information in the other columns is not editable - so if this information needs to be changed, a new checklist item has to be created.)

      [en] A checklist item may be deleted by clicking the Trash can icon.

      [en] The checklist items are marked as completed by checking the checkbox or selecting Yes/No, depending on the type of checklist item.


      [en] If a checklist item is marked as Required, it is mandatory to complete it before changing the status of a task to Done. If anyone tries to change the status of the task to Done, a pop up will appear and notify the user that the task can not be marked as Done until all required checklist items are completed.

    1. [en] Tags:

      [en] Adding a tag means linking a RamBase object directly to the task. Clicking a tag after it has been added will take the user directly to the object in the relevant application. For example: If a customer is added with the Customer tag, clicking the tag will open the tagged customer in the Customer (CUS) application.

      [en] Add a tag:
      1. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

      2. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

      3. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

      4. [en] Click Add item in the lower left corner of the tab.

      1. [en] Permissions:


        [en] The permissions functionality is only available when the System setting values (SSV) option Use extended permission system on tasks and task processes is turned ON.

        [en] The Permissions tab is where permissions are added and managed. Permissions may be given to a specific user (employee) or a role. A permission set comprises the following permissions with corresponding checkboxes:

        • [en] View

        • [en] Edit

        • [en] Delete

        • [en] Assign

        • [en] Change status

        [en] When a non-private task is created, a full permission set will by default be given to:

        • [en] the creator of the task

        • [en] the Superuser role

        • [en] the RamBase Core User role

        [en] If the task is created with the Privatecheckbox checked, the full permission set will by default only be given to the creator of the task and the Superuser role. If any other permission sets are added afterwards, the Private checkbox will be unchecked automatically. If the Private checkbox is unchecked, the RamBase Core User role will automatically be added with a full permission set again.

        [en] The default permission set for the creator of the task and the Superuser role cannot be edited or deleted. All other permission sets may be edited and deleted according to preference. (For example, only give a role access to view and edit the task by unchecking the checkboxes for Delete, Assign and Change status.)

        [en] If a task is part of a process, it will inherit permissions from the process. This means that the permissions on the task process will override the permissions on the task, if the two are different. Mouse-over explains where the permissions must be changed.

        [en] Create a permission set
        1. [en] Click the Create permission set button in the lower left corner of the tab.

        2. [en] Check either the Employee or Role radio button, depending on who is to be given the permission set.

        3. [en] To assign the permission set to an employee, enter the name/pid of the relevant employee in the Employee lookup field and select the correct employee. To assign the permission set to a role, enter the name of the relevant role in the Role lookup field and select the preferred role.

        4. [en] Click the Create button.

      2. [en] Registered hours:

        [en] Hours spent on the task may be registered by clicking the Register time button at the lower left in the Register hours tab and filling in relevant information in the pop up before clicking the Create button. The total of logged hours is found in the Total registered hours field in the Task details area.

      3. [en] Custom fields:

        [en] This tab contains all available custom fields for the task.


        [en] Custom fields are added via the Custom fields (CUSTOMFIELDS) application.

      [en] Task status (progress)

      [en] The progress of a task is managed and tracked in the St column in the Tasks area (List view only) or via Statusin the Task details area. When a task is created, it will get the status To do as default. When the task is started, the status should be changed by clicking the In progress option. Finally, when the task is completed, it should be marked accordingly by clicking Done. The status could easily be changed back and forth if there are changes in the progress of a specific task.

      [en] Statuses:
      • [en] To do

      • [en] In progress

      • [en] Done

      [en] Private tasks

      [en] Tasks can be marked as private by checking the Private checkbox in the Task details area. This means that the task is accessible by the creator (owner) of the task and users with the Superuser role, and no one else. The task is therefore not completely private to the creator, but it has the advantage of being more robust: superusers can access and change/delete tasks if the creator for some reason is not able to.

      [en] If a user who does not have access tries to open a task marked as private, the task will not open and the there will be an error message in the lower right corner.


      [en] Private tasks can only be a part of a private task process and non-private tasks can only be a part of a non-private task process.