[en] Load SOAFORWARD - INP/75143
[en] When loading a file using the SOAFORWARD import job, the SOAFORWARD job will only register a new Purchase order response (SOA) item if there are changes to the item that require a new Purchase order response (SOA) item to be registered. This could be a change to the confirmed/requested date, quantity or change in price. If there are no changes to these fields, there will not be created a new Purchase order response (SOA) item.
[en] Possible fields to be loaded into RamBase are listed in the Field-column in the following table. The other columns in this table provide additional information about each field.
[en] Field | [en] Required | [en] Length | [en] Example | [en] Description |
[en] PURCHASEORDERID | Y | [en] SPO/100000-1 | [en] Must contain either case or source of SOA/SPO item that should be forwarded. | |
[en] PRODUCT | [en] Y* | [en] Product name. [en] * Either PRODUCT or SUPPLIERPRODUCTNAME is mandatory. | ||
[en] SUPPLIERSPRODUCTNAME | [en] Y* | [en] Suppliers product name. [en] * Either PRODUCT or SUPPLIERPRODUCTNAME is mandatory. | ||
[en] BUYERSREFERENCENUMBER | [en] Buyers reference number. | |||
[en] CONFIRMEDDELIVERYDATE | [en] Confirmed delivery date. | |||
[en] NETPRICE | [en] Purchase price. | |||
[en] NOTE | [en] Note on the SOA item. | |||
[en] QUANTITY | [en] Quantity to be forwarded. | |||
[en] REQUESTEDDELIVERYDATE | [en] Used to find (prioritize, does not need to match) item to forward (not updated when forwarded). | |||
[en] SUPPLIERSREFERENCENUMBER | [en] Suppliers reference number. |