[en] Load LCM based on SerialNo and PART - INP/57952
[en] Possible fields to be loaded into RamBase are listed in the Field-column in the following table. The other columns in this table provide additional information about each field.
[en] Import LCM in RamBase based on SerialNo and PART.
[en] The default behavior of the load operation requires a valid SERIALNO to be found on a Goods reception (SSA). Once located, the system automatically links the Life cycle management (LCM) to the Goods reception (SSA).
[en] Field | [en] Required | [en] Format | [en] Length | [en] Example | [en] Title | [en] Description |
[en] DATE | [en] Date in format YYYY.MM.DD. Defaults to current date if not provided | |||||
[en] EXTIDPART | [en] ExtId to product. Product name of ExtIdPart must be provided. | |||||
[en] MFR | [en] TXT | 16 | [en] AUDI | [en] Mfr | [en] If product name is used to identify product then MFR must be provided if there are multiple products with the same name but with different manufactuers. | |
[en] NEXTSERVICE | [en] The date of the next service in format YYYY.MM.DD | |||||
[en] PART | [en] TXT | [en] Servicetime 232333 | [en] Part | [en] Product name. Product name of ExtIdPart must be provided. | ||
[en] SERIALNO | [en] Mandatory | [en] Serial number | ||||
[en] UDF | [en] UDF_NameOfCustomField | [en] Custom Fields | ||||
[en] SSANOTREQUIRED | [en] Setting this to 'Y' enables the creation of an Life cycle management (LCM) without requiring a SerialNumber match on the Goods reception (SSA). |