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[en] Knowledge Center

[en] Rental contract item (RCTITEM) application - Rental contract item tab

[en] The Rental contract item (RCTITEM) application is the lowest level and allows the handling of details, calendar, rates and invoice periods for the individual items.

[en] Header

[en] Fields and drop-down menus

[en] Icon

[en] Description

[en] Product


[en] Displays the product identifier and name.

[en] To view and edit details by opening the product in the Product (ART) application, click the View icon.

[en] Description

[en] Description of the product, set in the Product (ART) application.

[en] Customer's reference no.

[en] Displays the customers reference number. E.g. the internal sales order identifier the customer use in their own system.

[en] To edit, click the field and confirm by pressing ENTER.

[en] Seller


[en] Displays the employee identifier of the user set as the seller for the Rental contract item (RCTITEM).

[en] To open the Personell (PER) application and view details on the employee, click the View icon.

[en] Type

[en] Displays the product type of the Rental contract item (RCTITEM).

[en] Expected values are Subscription or Rental.

[en] Change of rate

[en] Change type of recurring rate (FIXED, MANUAL, AUTO). Defines if and how the Recurring rate (RRT) can be updated.

[en] To edit, click the Change of rate drop-down menu, and select a value.

[en] Effective date


[en] Start date of the recurring contract item. Displayed in yyyy.MM.dd format.

[en] To edit, the date, click the Edit icon to open the Update rental contract item popup.


[en] The effective date of the Rental contract (RCT) will be overwritten if a Rental contract item (RCTITEM) with an earlier Effective date, is created.

[en] Expiration date


[en] End of the Recurring contract item (RCTITEM).

[en] To edit the date, click the Edit icon to open the Update rental contract item popup.


[en] To open the Update the rental contract item popup, click the Edit icon.

[en] The following fields can be updated in the popup:
  • [en] Effective date field and icon - Note that changing this to before the effective date of the Rental contract (RCT), will also update the Effective date of the Rental contract (RCT).

  • [en] Expiration date field and icon - Note that changing this to later than the expiration date of the Rental contract (RCT) will set the Rental contract item (RCTITEM) in Status 6 - Delayed.

  • [en] Quantity field

  • [en] Discount [%] field

  • [en] Recurring rate drop-down menu

[en] Estimated total revenue CUR

[en] Displays the total estimated revenue from the rental contract item after discount, in system selected currency.

[en] Accrued total revenue CUR

[en] Displays the total accrued revenue from the rental contract item after discount, in system selected currency.

[en] Invoiced total revenue CUR

[en] Displays the total invoiced revenue from the rental contract item, in system selected currency.

[en] Forecasted total revenue CUR

[en] Displays the total forecasted revenue from the rental contract item, in system selected currency.

[en] On rent days

[en] Displays the number of days the product is on rent.

[en] Qty. current

[en] Rental calendar current day quantity.

[en] To edit the quantity click the Edit icon to open the Update rental contract item popup.

[en] Qty. min


[en] Minimum rental calendar day quantity.

[en] To edit the quantity click the Edit icon to open the Update rental contract item popup.

[en] Qty. max


[en] Minimum rental calendar day quantity.

[en] To edit the quantity click the Edit icon to open the Update rental contract item popup.


[en] The following fields can be updated in the popup:
  • [en] Effective date field and icon - Note that changing this to before the effective date of the Rental contract (RCT), will also update the Effective date of the Rental contract (RCT).

  • [en] Expiration date field and icon - Note that changing this to later than the expiration date of the Rental contract (RCT) will set the Rental contract item (RCTITEM) in Status 6 - Delayed.

  • [en] Quantity field

  • [en] Discount [%] field

  • [en] Recurring rate drop-down menu

[en] Sub tabs
[en] Details sub-tab

[en] The Details sub-tab provides the user with relevant information including VAT, linked Finance project (PRJ) and Department (DEP), as well as a graphical overview of revenue; earned, forecasted, invoiced and accrued.

[en] Accounting area
[en] Available fields and drop-down menus:
  • [en] Account drop-down menu - To link a General ledger account (ACC) to the Rental contract item (RCTITEM), click the Account drop-down menu. If already linked, the field displays the general ledger account number and name.

    • [en] To open the Chart of accounts (ACC) application, click the View icon.

  • [en] Department drop-down menu - To link a Department (DEP) to the Rental contract item (RCTITEM), click the Department drop-down menu. If already linked, the field displays the Department identifier and name (DEP).

    • [en] To open the Department (DEP) application, click the View icon.

  • [en] VAT code drop-down menu - To select a VAT code, click the VAT code drop-down menu.

    • [en] To open the VAT menu (VAT) application, click the View icon.

  • [en] VAT percent field - Displays the value added tax percent of the percent validity. Based on the selection made in the VAT code drop-down menu.

[en] Overview area

[en] The Overview area provides the user with a graphical overview with the option to select years range and chart type.

  • [en] Years range drop-down menu - Select which year is to be detailed in the chart.

  • [en] Chart type drop-down menu - Select the chart type to be displayed.

    • [en] Bar

    • [en] Area

    • [en] Fluctuating line

[en] Invoice periods area

[en] The Invoice periods area provides the user with a graphical display of the invoice periods with the option of selecting which year is presented, and chart type.

  • [en] Years range - Select which year is to be detailed in the chart.

  • [en] Chart type drop-down menu - Select the chart type to be displayed.

    • [en] Bar

    • [en] Area

    • [en] Fluctuating line

[en] Revenue area

[en] The Revenue area is separated into two bars presenting; Earned, Forecasted, Invoiced, Accrued along with estimates for the Rental contract item (RCTITEM).

[en] Hover over the bar for more details.

[en] Calendar sub-tab

[en] The Calendar sub-tab is comprised of three main areas; Calendar, Selected day and Invoice period summary. The monthly overview allows the user to view rate, quantity, discount, net rate and which days are ready for invoicing, per day.

[en] The information is summarized in the Selected day(s) area, which supports click and drag to select multiple days.

[en] The Context menu also provides options supported with the click and drag functionality, for example Create invoice for selected days.

[en] Rental rates sub-tab
[en] Rental contract rates area

[en] Column

[en] Icon

[en] Description

[en] St


[en] Displays an icon indicating the status of the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] Available statuses are:
  • [en] Status 0 - In process

  • [en] Status 1 - Draft

  • [en] Status 3 - Future

  • [en] Status 4 - Active

  • [en] Status 9 - Discontinued

[en] Why is the Recurring rate (RRT) not in Status 4?

[en] If the Effective date of the Recurring rate (RRT) is a future date, the Recurring rate (RRT) will be set in Status 3 - Future, until the Effective date is reached.

[en] Start date

[en] Displays the date the Recurring rate (RRT) is valid from.

[en] End date

[en] Displays the date the Recurring rate (RRT) was, or will become, invalid.

[en] Type

[en] States if the Recurring rate (RRT) is of type:

  • [en] Standard

  • [en] Special


[en] Standard rates can be replaced by either using the Replaces rate drop-down menu in the Recurring rate area for Recurring rates (RRT) in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] Product


[en] Displays the name and the potential description of the Product (ART) the Recurring rate (RRT) applies for.

[en] To view and/or edit details, click the View icon to open the Product (ART) application.

[en] Replaces rate


[en] Displays the Recurring rate (RRT) identifier of the rate that has or will be replaced by the listed Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] Rate aspect

[en] Displays the Rate aspect of the Recurring rate (RRT):

  • [en] Duration

  • [en] Quantity

[en] Initial rate step


[en] Displays the initial rate step set when creating the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] To view details about the potential rate steps, hover over the Information icon.

[en] Button

[en] Icon

[en] Description

[en] Change rate button


[en] The Change rate button is used to change which Recurring rate (RRT) is valid for the Rental contract item (RCTITEM).

[en] Change the rental contract rate
  1. [en] Click the Change rate button open the corresponding popup.

  2. [en] Set the Valid from and Valid to dates by typing in yyyy.MM.dd format or clicking the Calendar icon and selecting the required date.

  3. [en] In the Recurring rate drop-down menu, click to select a standard Recurring rate (RRT) to be used, or used as a template for a special rate.

    1. [en] Once a standard rate has been selected, it can be copied to a special rate by clicking the Copy to special rate icon.


      [en] Copy to special rate

  4. [en] Add the Rate aspect details:

    1. [en] If the Rate aspect of the Recurring rate (RRT) is quantity, set a From quantity from which the new rate will apply.

    2. [en] If the Rate aspect of the Recurring rate (RRT) is duration, set a From date from which the new rate will apply.

  5. [en] Add the Rate details:

    1. [en] Based on the currency for the Recurring rate (RRT) and the Recurring period interval, set a new rate which will apply.

  6. [en] To add the new rate steps, click the Create button.

[en] Recurring rate area

[en] Field, drop-down menus and checkboxes

[en] Icon

[en] Description

[en] Product


[en] Displays the name of the Product (ART) the Recurring rate (RRT) applies to.

[en] Can be updated if the Recurring rate (RRT) is in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] To inspect or edit the Product (ART), click the View icon.

[en] Effective date


[en] Displays the potential start date of the Recurring rate (RRT), if this was set when either creating the Recurring rate (RRT) or when the rate was is Status 1 - Draft.

[en] To edit, click the Effective date field and provide a date in the yyyy.MM.dd format, or click the Calendar icon.

[en] Recurring period

[en] The recurring period decides the interval of the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] Available intervals:
  • [en] Day

  • [en] Week

  • [en] Month

  • [en] Year

[en] The interval is set when creating the Recurring rate (RRT), and can be adjusted if the Recurring rate (RRT) is in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] To adjust the Recurring period, click the Recurring period drop-down menu and choose one of the listed available intervals.

[en] Pricing method

[en] The method of which total price will be calculated for this Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] 1 - Incremental: Sum of respective rates of each step

[en] 2 - Flat rate: One price decided by the quantity of the product.

[en] Currency

[en] Displays the selected currency for the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] Can be changed if the Recurring rate (RRT) is in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] To edit, click the Currency drop-down menu and select a available currency from the list.

[en] Expiration date


[en] Displays the end date of the Recurring rate (RRT), if this has been set when creating the rate, or edited in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] Rate aspect

[en] Displays the current rate aspect of the rate.

[en] Available options are:
  • [en] Quantity

  • [en] Duration

[en] The Rate aspect is set when creating the Recurring rate (RRT)

[en] Location

[en] Displays the three letter abbreviation for the selected Location (LOC) for the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] This is set when creating the Recurring rate (RRT).

[en] Can only be updated in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] To update, click the Location drop-down menu, and select a new Location (LOC) from the list.

[en] Type

[en] Available options are:
  • [en] Standard

  • [en] Special


[en] Recurring rates (RRT) of type Standard can replace or be replaced by other rates in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] Replaces rate

[en] If the selected Recurring rate (RRT) has replaced a previously created rate, the identifier of the replaced Recurring rate (RRT) will be displayed.

[en] If the selected Recurring rate (RRT) is in Status 1 - Draft, the Replaces rate drop-down menu can be used to replace a Recurring rate (RRT) in Status 4 - Active, of type Standard.

[en] Default for product and currency checkbox


[en] Determines whether or not the Recurring rate (RRT) is a default rate for the combination of its product and currency.

[en] Rate steps area

[en] Column

[en] Icons

[en] Description

[en] From quantity

[en] The minimum number of intervals, or quantity, for triggering the rate step.

[en] Rate

[en] Value of the rate step.

[en] Actions



[en] The icons in the Actions column can be used to edit or delete the Rate step.

[en] To edit either the From quantity of the rate step or the Rate, click the Edit icon.

[en] Unable to edit or delete?

[en] The Recurring rate (RRT) must be in Status 1 - Draft or Status 3 - Future, to be enabled for editing or deletion.

[en] Add rate step button


[en] The Add rate step button is used for adding rate steps.

[en] The rate steps are based on the setup of the Recurring rate (RRT) details.

[en] Add a rate step to the Recurring rate (RRT)
  1. [en] Select or create a Recurring rate (RRT) in the Recurring rates area, on the left.

  2. [en] In the Rate steps sub-tab, click the Add rate steps button.

  3. [en] Add the Rate aspect details:

    1. [en] If the Rate aspect of the Recurring rate (RRT) is quantity, set a From quantity from which the new rate will apply.

    2. [en] If the Rate aspect of the Recurring rate (RRT) is duration, set a From date from which the new rate will apply.

  4. [en] Add the Rate details:

    1. [en] Based on the currency for the Recurring rate (RRT) and the Recurring period interval, set a new rate which will apply.

  5. [en] To add the new rate steps, click the Create button.


[en] Rate steps can only be added to Recurring rates (RRT) in Status 1 - Draft.

[en] Invoice periods

[en] Displays invoice periods as items, aggregates all items which are invoice in that period, click right most icon in the Items column to display period billing items. Note that Status 3 are future periods. The Billing documents column is useful in accessing the Sales invoices (CIN) application.

[en] Column

[en] Icon

[en] Description



[en] To select all, click the Empty checkbox icon.


[en] Displays the status of the listed invoice periods for the Rental contract (RCT).

[en] To select an invoice period for handling via the Context menu, click the Status.

[en] Available statuses:
  • [en] Status 1 - Draft

  • [en] Status 3 - Future

  • [en] Status 4 - Current

  • [en] Status 8 - Ready for invoicing

  • [en] Status 9 - Invoiced

[en] Start date

[en] Displays the start date of the invoicing period in yyyy.MM.dd format.

[en] End date

[en] Displays the end date of the invoicing period in yyyy.MM.dd format.

[en] Planned invoice date

[en] Displays the planned invoice date for the period in yyyy.MM.dd format.

[en] Amount

[en] Displays the total amount of the period excl. discount.

[en] Discount amount

[en] Displays the total discount amount for the period.

[en] Net amount

[en] Displays the total amount of the period incl. discount.

[en] Invoiceable amount

[en] Total amount to be invoiced for the period.

[en] Invoiced amount

[en] Total amount invoiced for the period

[en] Billing documents

[en] Displays the Sales invoice (CIN). To open the Sales invoice (CIN) application, click the icon.

[en] Total no. of days

[en] Displays the total number of days for the contract.

[en] Currency

[en] Displays the three character code following the ISO 4217 standard.

[en] Customers ref. no

[en] Displays the customer reference number for the invoice period.

[en] Items


[en] To open the Billing period items popup, which displays all billing period items organized by product, click the View icon.