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[en] Knowledge Center

Ustawienia dla Wynajmu – Obsługa zamówień

Konfiguracja nazwy


[en] Advance invoicing (RNP)

[en] If this setting is ON, "Advance invoicing" will be checked on default when creating a recurring invoice plan.

[en] Allow creating rental items

[en] If this setting is "ON" - creation of rental items in COA and CQU will be available.

[en] Allow creating subscription items

[en] If this setting is "ON" - creation of subscription items in COA and CQU will be available.

[en] Automatic invoicing (RNP)

[en] If this setting is ON, "Automatically invoiced" will be checked on default when creating a recurring invoice plan.

[en] Auto-renewable subscriptions

[en] Automatically renew subscriptions after reaching expected end-date.

Status tworzenia planu faktur cyklicznych (COP)

Wartość w tym ustawieniu to liczba wskazująca, jaki status plan faktur cyklicznych (COP) powinien mieć po utworzeniu.

[en] Select an option from the drop-down menu:

  • [en] Status 4

  • [en] Status 5

[en] Default change of price for subscription items

[en] This setting sets the default change of price for subscription items. When the user is adding a new subscription item via the Sales Order (COA) application, this value is automatically filled.

[en] Select an option from the drop-down menu:

  • [en] Fixed

  • [en] Manual

  • [en] Auto

[en] Default invoice schedule for recurring invoice plans

[en] This setting sets the default invoice schedule of recurring invoice plans. When the user is creating a new recurring invoice plan via the Sales Order (COA) application's register rental order popup, this value is automatically filled. Default value: Monthly.

[en] Select an option from the drop-down menu:

  • [en] Weekly

  • [en] Fortnightly

  • [en] Quartelrly

  • [en] Annauly

[en] Default offset for estimated end date of subscription items

[en] This setting defines a default offset of months for the estimated end date of a subscription item. If no estimated end date is selected during creation of an item, the end date will be set to this amount of months after the start date. Default value: 12.

  • [en] Fill in the intended offset of months.

[en] Default value for schedule base date

[en] Default value for schedule base date of recurring invoice planDefault value: Beginning of a month.

[en] Select an option from the drop-down menu:

  • [en] Beginning of a month

  • [en] End of a month

  • [en] 5th of a month

  • [en] 10th of a month

  • [en] 15th of a month

  • [en] 20th of a month

  • [en] Today

[en] Do not get automatically assignments from stock or backlog for rental order

[en] If this setting is ON, Rental order items (COA) will be linked to pending by the system, and not to stock or backlog, when it is created/updated in Status 1.

Konfigurowanie komunikatu serwisu w planie faktur cyklicznych (COP)

Wartość w tym ustawieniu to liczba dni, która wskazuje następną datę serwisu pozycji planu faktur cyklicznych (COP-ITM) oraz komunikat.

  • [en] Fill in the intended number of days.