Pre-production tasks
Pre-production tasks are used in the planning process. They are created from a Sales order item (COAITEM), either in the Sales orders (COA) application, or in the Sales order item (COAITEM) application.
In the Sales orders (COA) application, there are two Context menu options to inspect and view pre-production tasks:
Pre-production tasks for selected sales order item: This option will take the user to the Task (TASK) application, with the selected Sales order item (COAITEM) as an active filter. This means that only pre-production tasks associated with the selected Sales order item (COAITEM) will be displayed.
Pre-production tasks for selected sales order. This option will take the user to the Task (TASK) application, with the selected Sales order (COA) as an active filter. This means that only pre-production tasks associated with the selected Sales order (COA) will be displayed.
In the Sales order item (COAITEM) application, there is one Context menu option to inspect and view pre-production tasks:
Pre-production tasks...: This option has the same functionality as the Pre-production tasks for selected sales order item option in the Sales orders (COA) application (described above).
Create a pre-production task from a Sales order (COA)
A pre-production task can be created from the Sales orders (COA) application, or from the Sales order item (COAITEM) application and will be tied to the Sales order item (COAITEM).
Start in the Sales orders (COA) application. If the pre-production task needs to be associated with the Sales order (COA), proceed to the next step. However, if the task should be linked to a specific Sales order Item (COAITEM), navigate to the Sales order item (COAITEM) application.
Click on the Context menu icon and select the Create new pre-production task option.
Add relevant information in the fields in the pop-up.
The Task template field is mandatory, ensuring that the pre-production task is populated with information from the selected pre-existing task template. (Click the View icon to enter the Task template (TTT) application.)
After selecting a task template, the fields for Deadline, Responsible area, and Priority will be populated based on the information within the template. However, these fields remain editable. The Deadline field will display today's date plus the number of days specified in the Deadline offset field of the task template.
The Assigned to field will have the current user (creating the pre-production task) as default, but the field is editable.
The Source, Product, and Revision fields contain information inherited from the Sales order item (COAITEM) and are not editable.
Click the Create button.
A pre-production task cannot be created without selecting a task template. These templates are created and managed within the Task Template (TTT) application. Read about the Task Template (TTT) application and find instructions on creating task templates here.
The roles available in the Responsible area field are added and managed in the Roles (ROLE) application. Read about roles and the Responsible area field here.
Pre-production tasks are restricted to the company of origin. Read more about database separation (the Restricted to companies field) here.
Pre-production tasks in the Task (TASK) application
Pre-production tasks closely resemble standard tasks and can be accessed within the Task (TASK) application. Within this application, users have the possibility to filter specifically on pre-production tasks, providing a clearer and more organized overview of tasks relevant to them.
To manage pre-production tasks in the Task (TASK) application, it is useful to have some pre-existing knowledge of the functionality of the application. Information about the application and its functionality may be found here.
To find pre-production tasks associated with a specific pre-production task within the Task (TASK) application, select the relevant pre-production task, then click on the Context menu icon and select the Associated pre-production tasks option.
Fields exclusive to pre-production tasks
To facilitate easy identification of pre-production tasks, they are marked with a clearly visible blue information note in the Task details area.
Pre-production have some specialized fields that are not found in standard tasks:
Product: The information in this field is inherited from the Sales order item (COAITEM) the pre-production task was created from.
Source: This field will show the identification number of the Sales order (COA) the pre-production task was created from.
Product revision: The information in this field is inherited from the Sales order item (COAITEM) the pre-production task was created from. If empty, there was no revision in the Sales order item (COAITEM).
Reviewer: In this field, the person responsible for doing the final check of the pre-production task is selected. When the pre-production task has been completed, it should be sent for review by clicking on the corresponding status.
When creating a pre-production task, default pre-production tags (Sales order, Product and Revision) are automatically added in the Tags tab. These pre-production tags appear in blue, ensuring they stand out from other added tags. They cannot be edited or deleted. The tags originate from the source Sales order (COA) and are applicable to all subsequent Sales orders (COA) sharing the same INITIALORDERNO. They ensure that the pre-production task is applied to all Sales order items (COAITEM) with matching product, product revision and initial sale order.
Statuses of pre-production tasks
The statuses of pre-production tasks are different than in the rest of RamBase and somewhat different than for standard collaboration tasks.
To do. (Same as for standard tasks)
In progress. (Same as for standard tasks)
Completed/In review. The pre-production task is resolved but awaiting approval by reviewer.
Rejected. The pre-production task has been reviewed and rejected.
Done. The pre-production task has been reviewed and approved.
The two final statuses are available only to users with a reviewer role.
Pre-production tasks in the Tasks (TASKS) application
In the Tasks (TASKS) application, users will get a list of the pre-production tasks in the Pre-production tasks tab. The application has extensive sorting and filtering possibilities, so users may customize the list of displayed tasks to their specific needs. More information about the filtering functionality is available here.
The status of the pre-production tasks may be changed by clicking on the Status icon of the specific tasks (located in the St column) and selecting the correct status.
To see further details of a specific pre-production task, users can click on the Context menu icon and select Show task details or open the task in question in the Task (TASK) application by clicking on the Arrow icon of the task.